J̃ỉɱƁõ shares
12 years ago
What do YOU do when you wake up in the middle of the night and freak out that you probably forgot some important scary mail? ME I GET THE BEST POSTCARD FROM lyrangalia https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/150355_126138527534804_561435193_n.jpg
latest #9
12 years ago
Seriously I'm going back for more sleep with such a huge smile on my dang ol' face
12 years ago
The art is by reapersun btw
Lyra + a Player
12 years ago
\o/ whoo
Lyra + a Player
12 years ago
also damn how did it take so long to send a postcard to Canada
12 years ago
well ok there is 'sending a postcard to Canada' and then 'sending a postcard to the other side of Canada'
Lyra + a Player
12 years ago
I sent a package to the Eastern Seaboard at the same time I sent your postcard and that got there like two weeks ago.
12 years ago
we are a whole other country! Look I'm just glad I got it and that the sticker they slapped over John's face was easily unpeeled.
Lyra + a Player
12 years ago
that is a good thing about those postcards. they're glossy as fuck
12 years ago
And they have basically the best things written on them.
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