mamiworm says
12 years ago
latest #21
mamiworm says
12 years ago
mamiworm says
12 years ago
Hahaha enjoy my loves (music)
12 years ago
eh~~~ try to mix BB video into the list of sodagreen huh :-D
mamiworm says
12 years ago
hahaha, next time i will mix them in the middle instead of end (LOL)
mamiworm says
12 years ago
mushroomee I purposely switch on laptop just to post these for you, so you better watch ok? Pls..... :-))
*ee~엘리* says
12 years ago
wahhh~~~ like tis i very stress (LOL)
mamiworm says
12 years ago
mamiworm says
12 years ago
i like video 7 & 9 best. Highly recommend 9 though, if you really soooooooo bbbbbbbusy (LOL)
akira says
12 years ago
i like 9 too, most special 'remix' to hear recently.
akira says
12 years ago
i even went to search for MC hotdog's rap lyrics, so meaningful. but... anybody wants translation?
mamiworm says
12 years ago
Hotdog's rap very clear, can 'hear' what he is rapping abt easily. Agree, the rap is meaningful.
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