what is going on in flickr? im so confused why all this mess starts?
probably something with Vive9 they are always in a mess
A girl posted a pic saying lady was a copybotter. I was just mad becuz I'm always tagged into photos about this and its clearly none of my buisness and they should stop tagging ppl that probably dont give a fuk
i dont know those people kept adding me on photos so i just disable the option to add me cause i have no idea what is going on
yeah Eden i felt the same
Then the other girl coming from nowhere, was mad and saying shits about me and Vive9, and I'm like wtf?!
I dont get what is this girl issue, probably Something with Vive9 or me..
i thought all started with lady gericault, not by her but because that girl posted a pic accusing her of being a copybooters, then another alt of the same her starts commenting shit about vive9
Saying I dont treat ppl right and feeling better than ppl because I'm Sanya friend
idk im so confused, seems like a person started to spam shit about others in flickr, that was all we needed
I think its just clearly pathetic i dont know why they need to make it public when I'm really able to Talk to them un world ..
yeah i feel you... i just dotn get all this shit...thanks for explaining me everything is gettin clearer
I think its just clearly pathetic i dont know why they need to make it public when I'm really able to Talk to them un world ..