11 years ago
[event 2] is cleaning some glasses between rushes, it sure is getting busy these days.
latest #33
11 years ago
put together a few drinks nearby to help out with the kitchen.
11 years ago
throws some more glasses in the dish washer since there's time. She goes over to Gjertrud a little nervously when she's done. "Do you want me to take that to table for you?"
11 years ago
glances over when she hears a voice, looking her over. "...Sure. It's for the table near the door." She wondered why this girl looked nervous.
11 years ago
always gets nervous around Gjertrud, in case she's doing something wrong. The lady was very intense looking. "Da, I will take it." She puts the drinks on a tray. "Anything else you need?"
11 years ago
shakes her head and keeps watching her. "That is it." She didn't realize how intense she could get while working...
11 years ago
heads out with the drinks quickly and cleans off a few tables on her way back. Was it appropriate to make small talk? "It is getting very busy, da? People like company for holidays."
11 years ago
follows her and checks with customers as she walks. "I suppose." She wasn't good at making small talk.
11 years ago
goes back toward the kitchen to clean the glasses. "Do you have plans for holidays?" Oh this was just getting so awkward.
11 years ago
nods. "Dorthe already helped me put up the decorations." She's totally oblivious to any awkwardness.
11 years ago
puts the glasses in the sink and runs the water. "I mean personal plans. Are you going away on holiday or staying at home, visit friends?"
11 years ago
..."I'd rather not discuss personal matters at work." Her mood darkens.
11 years ago
mentally swears, forcing herself to smile more. "I understand, I apologize for asking." She starts scrubbing the glasses out furiously. "I was just asking in case you were alone. My Christmas is in January."
11 years ago
stays stoic. "It shouldn't matter whether I'm alone or not." She starts helping with some other things, getting a dish put together.
11 years ago
puts the glasses on the rack to dry. "Da, it does not matter." Oh this was going bad. "Do you like holidays?" Did Gjertrud even like anything?
11 years ago
didn't like anything... "I'm not one of the customers." She associated small talk with the hosts entertaining the customers. She was also starting to see similarities between Ksenia and Soren which was never-
11 years ago
a good sign.
11 years ago
starts on one of the drink orders. "Sorry for chit chat. I never see you talk to anyone, I was worried that you did not have any friends here. But I understand, work time is work da? I go take order."
11 years ago
twitches. "I have plenty of friends here." She finishes the food and passes it to another host to take out.
11 years ago
takes out the drink order and returns with some empty glasses. "That is good to hear then. You always seem upset about something. I was worried you were in feud with someone."
11 years ago
nearly rolls her eyes. "No, and I'm not always upset."
11 years ago
grabs a quick glass of water and smiles at her. "That is good. You should smile more though, you are pretty lady!"
11 years ago
...rolls her eyes that time and looks out at the customers. "Hn... It looks like we're running low on hosts again..."
11 years ago
takes a deep breath to make sure she's calm. "Holiday rush, da? Do you want me to call someone in?"
11 years ago
shakes her head. "No, we're pretty much on our last people now..."
11 years ago
starts to get a little excited now. "What about me? I think I might be able to manage.."
11 years ago
sighs before reluctantly nodding. "Sure, you can try."
Ksenia has
11 years ago
to stop herself from hugging the woman. "Truly? That is okay? Should I change or fix my appearance? Oh wow why am I so worried now. Spasibo!"
11 years ago
"Just stop acting nervous."
11 years ago
takes a deep breath and tries to put on a serious face. "Of course. I will be great host. You think so, da?"
11 years ago
...doesn't answer that and moves to put together more plates.
11 years ago
blinks. Did she think this wouldn't work. "Which table should I go to? Maybe you should join me to make sure I am okay."
11 years ago
just didn't want to commit to an opinion in case things didn't go well. "I think table 7 has been waiting."
11 years ago
takes a deep breath and takes her hair out of the ponytail it was in. "Table seven, I am on it. Trust in me Miss Gjertrud, I can definitely do this."
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