krishaaa says
11 years ago
One smile, can start a friendship. One word, can end a fight. One look, can save a relationship. One person can change your life.
掰噗~ says
11 years ago
說的真有道理 (thinking)
甘據基 says
11 years ago
他(喬治‧索羅斯)對你的要求,就只是要你相信你告訴他的事情,要你不斷檢證和交互檢證。他會設法掐住你的脖子,說:「你是不是仍然相信昨天告訴我的話?」~ 詹姆士‧馬凱斯(James Marquez) -摘自Soros: The Life, Ideas, and Impact of the World&#0