that some people can still remember where they came from. Everyone who owns a store started as someone with a dream of building or designing and making something nice. Just cause you're 'popular' or make nice..
things doesn't give you free rein to forget how to do customer service and it certainly shouldn't make you think you have the right to ignore others. People who have stores, take time to be kind to your...
Customers, take time to thank them once in a while, don't ignore them or say rude things about them to others as they are the ones who buy your products. Feel honored and excited that people like your things.
I am so cross recently at the rudeness of people who forget who they are. This isn't aimed at any designers who are my friends because ya'll are nice, good people but this mentality needs to stop and I for one
won't support it anymore. I own some really cute and wonderful things by some designers and yet I still find myself angry at the way they treat others. If I ever get like that, someone PLEASE slap me!
oh... sec no it's not Let me clarify, having an opinion about something is fine but publicly slandering someone specifically or NOT dealing with your customers cause you think to much of yourself is not fine