joan watson
12 years ago
[meme] My characters switch alignments?
latest #7
joan watson
12 years ago
Not that I have any active characters anymore.
joan watson
12 years ago
I also have a lot of neutral people, so that makes things harder.
joan watson
12 years ago
Elijah isn't neutral. In fact he's Neutral Good, with a slight leaning towards Lawful. But it's hard to imagine him being Neutral Evil.
joan watson
12 years ago
He's not a nice person, but that doesn't mean he's not a good person. So the closest I can get is Elijah very misguidedly siding with the Big Bad of his 'verse for very misguided reasons.
joan watson
12 years ago
Alya is, ironically, easier. She's technically True Neutral, but she does side with the Big Bad of Moonless-verse. And it's not hard to imagine her turning on her masters.
joan watson
12 years ago
Eighis... is confused no matter what. Let's leave it at that.
joan watson
12 years ago
Synesi... Nope. Can't imagine him being anything but himself. Adherent on the other hand, would be the most cheerful and adorable agent of the Condesce.
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