I...seriously....tears... ;;
Am I late? Have I missed something? Is this really happens, I'll be so heartbroken...
wouldn't know as she doesn't read it...
Just wanted to say hi and all.
...I...don't get all emotional for fandoms like this
But I am seriously shedding a few
/catches up
I did not expect this....
yeeah i usually am not emotional but it's a bombshell because yeah :C
It really came out of nowhere. D: I'm going to reserve judgment until it's proven -- we've seen characters recover from worse stuff in this manga. But still.
...You have no idea how heartbroken I am...
I think I am going to go do some Neji tribute fanart now....
I'm trying not to think about it. Too harsh; too sudden. ;;
...Oh God...I ..can't...not think about it
This ...was just at such a bad time...
...Right when I was thinking of picking up a certain someone again
...I wonder if I will have to wait until the news is broken to Team Gai to know how to proceed...
And Kishi's been teasing with Gai getting beaten up for the last dozen chapters.... >.< I can tell you right now I'm sure he'd rather have taken those spears than Neji.
Kakashi already had to talk him out of opening the Eighth Gate once in this fight and that was when his students weren't involved.... >'(
...I just don't think he'd have the balls to get rid of Gai...
Neji...so...I guess I don't really know what to expect.
I thought for sure Gai would go before any of his kids students. ;;
And like two frames of Dramatic Flashback is not enough. Neji's not allowed to die now. >(
He needs at least a chapter or few.
/huuuuuuuugs ;;
...Oh Gosh, I need more than just a hug...I need a drink...
..Only when I can point you at something less dangerous than what's ahead of us....
B-be strong, Lee! T_T Now we must stay focused and win the cause he gave everything for!
Oh Gosh...the pain is too much to bear...