11 years ago
absolutely devestated
latest #17
pandosnarky asks
11 years ago
what's wrong? (cozy)
SUES says
11 years ago
eldest son moved out and treats me like s''t and youngest son moved in 5 weeks ago and has stolen from me 3 times, froze my bank account trying to access it and last monday he stole from the house. I had to
SUES says
11 years ago
have him arrested because I cant cope with what he is getting into. Police have cautioned him and I cant have him back home, and now my house has all these memories and sounds of my kids growing up and i just
SUES says
11 years ago
ant to burst into tears all the time. It's like grieving. I have no mojo for anything, barely get up of a morning cause of guilt
pandosnarky says
11 years ago
I know how you feel. My youngest has had substance abuse problems & been arrested multiple times
pandosnarky says
11 years ago
it is so hard
pandosnarky says
11 years ago
and you are griving- you lost your little boy
SUES says
11 years ago
i know he has done 'weed' he admitted. But its the fact that he steals and has no conscience. he is at his dad's now who is not harsh enough.
SUES says
11 years ago
i told my partner I am grieving and I cant bare to walk in their bedroom at the moment.
pandosnarky says
11 years ago
what helps me is to focus on the other parts of my life that bring me joy. It also helps tremendously to talk to others both her on plurk & in my real life
SUES says
11 years ago
am so scared he will end up on the streets...i could not function if he does!
pandosnarky says
11 years ago
SUES: my biggest fear is burying my child
SUES says
11 years ago
exactly. I am a bag of nerves when the door knocker goes or my mobile. He is on a big downer at his dad's and I dont know how long its going to be before he gets chucked out of there. I have got him a YMCA
SUES says
11 years ago
form to at least start the registration and its a big opportunity for him, I just hope he see's sense.
pandosnarky says
11 years ago
all we can really do is pray and try to keep faith that they will find their way home
pandosnarky says
11 years ago
we cannot make them grow up or be reasonable or listen. Only they can do that work
SUES says
11 years ago
I know pandosnarky, thank you.
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