11 years ago
spent Christmas alone. It was quiet and peaceful, just the way he liked.
latest #75
11 years ago
hadn't been able to find his brother and so had wondered over to Austria's house. He stands at the door for a few seconds before knocking on the door. He hoped the other didn't mind that he had shown up without
11 years ago
11 years ago
pulled open the door, quite surprised to see the German there. "Oh, Ludwig. Merry Christmas." He smiles at him, stepping aside to let him in.
11 years ago
smiles. "Frohe Weihnachten, Osterriech~" He returns the greeting. "I wanted to deliver your present personally." An excuse to keep from saying he was slightly lonely as well.
11 years ago
smiles. "You shouldn't have troubled yourself." He walked over to the tree he had decorated and picked up one of the neatly wrapped gifts, handing it over to the blonde. "But at least now I can see you open-
11 years ago
11 years ago
follows him into the house placing the present down on the coffee table. He takes his gift with a quirked brow. "You know you didn't have too...Roderich..."
11 years ago
- "Nonsense." He smiled, gesturing for him to go on. "Open it."
11 years ago
hesitates for a few seconds before pulling off his gloves, taking a seat and slowly unwrapping it.
11 years ago
watches him. It was a box of chocolates and some nice cologne. He had always purchased a lovely engraved gun for him. Not to use, but simply to have somewhere. That, however, was in a different box.
11 years ago
gazes down into the box his features softening as he lets out a gentle laugh before pulling out the box of choclates and cologne. "I should have known. Danke. It's your turn to open your gift."
11 years ago
figured you couldn't go wrong with chocolate and fragrance. He picked up his gift and began to carefully open it.
11 years ago
had gotten a hold of Roderich's recipes and got them made into a beautiful looking cookbook that could easily be mistaken for an old tome for the 17th century with assorted candy and a few baking supplies.
Roderich is
11 years ago
staring down at the book with wide eyes and it isn't until he starts skimming through it that he realizes what it is and he looks up at Ludwig in awe. "... I don't know what to say."
11 years ago
smiles. "Don't say anything and make me a cake one of these days?" He offers glad that it was taken well.
11 years ago
sets the book down gently as if afraid he would ruin it and moved to embrace the other. "It's so thoughtful. Thank you."
11 years ago
flushes lightly and awkwardly pats his back. "I noticed you didn't have anything that held all your recepies." It had been a lot of sneaking around on his part but he had managed to gather them all before
11 years ago
sending it off to be made.
11 years ago
laughs softly, pulling back. Awkward Germans were awkward. "How often have you been in my home without my knowing?" He asked, arching an eyebrow at him.
11 years ago
's face keeps the red tinge it had developped with the hug. "Enough to get what I needed."
11 years ago
folds his arms over his chest. "... And how much is enough?" He asks, smirking faintly.
11 years ago
smiles faintly. "More than twice."
11 years ago
- "I hope I wasn't home at the very least..." What if he'd been doing something embarrassing?
11 years ago
had made sure the other was out. He remembered Austria's house very well. It wasn't hard to get in and plus, he had a spare key anyway.
11 years ago
wondered how on earth he'd gotten a spare key...
11 years ago
( Not creepy at all, Luddy -w- ))
11 years ago
( Haha, no, not at all....))
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
he shouldn't hide it under the flower vase by the doorl
11 years ago
11 years ago
forgot he had it there!
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that it's probably a good thing he had picked it up or let it be forever lost.
11 years ago
stares at Ludwig a moment. Well then. He goes back to the tree to pick up the other gift. "Here. I almost forgot." This gift was heavier.
11 years ago
11 years ago
quirks a brow at it. "That's not for me...that's for Prussia right?"
11 years ago
- "No. That's for you. I didn't get your brother anything this year."
11 years ago
glances down at it feeling bad he hadn't gotten the Austrian something else. "Ah..danke...viele dank...Roderich..." He sits down placing the box on his lap before unwrapping it. He had no idea what it could be
11 years ago
but when he got it open his breath was taken away. He gently pulls the gun out studying every inch of it...admiring it's handsmancraft. "Roderich....where did you get this...I can't accept something so
11 years ago
expensive..." It was a beautiful gun.
11 years ago
- "I thought you might like it. Being a military man and all of that." He smiled fondly at the other, waving off the other's concern. "Think nothing of it."
11 years ago
's gaze is back on the gun, his hand roaming over it. It was obvious he treasured it already.
Roderich is
11 years ago
very happy that he likes it. He smiles and excuses himself for a moment to put the kettle on.
11 years ago
nods slowly as he turns over the gun...he needed to put it away. He places it in the box, his eyes drifting to it occasionally as he waits for the Austrian.
11 years ago
returns a few moments later, watching him. "Hard to keep it out of your sights, isn't it?"
11 years ago
bites down on his bottom lip and nods. "That is a lethal weapon in both sense of the word."
11 years ago
laughs softly. "It isn't loaded."
11 years ago
had noticed that. "And it will remain unloaded."
11 years ago
nods. "No shooting at anyone with it. Or anything."
Ludwig was
11 years ago
not that sadistic. "I have other guns for shooting. I think we'll be fine with that."
11 years ago
nods. He wasn't too fond of guns himself.
11 years ago
may like them a little too much...but mostly for their engineering. He wasn't Switzerland about them.
11 years ago
snickers softly at that.
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that but smiles regardless. "Roderich do you still ski?"
Roderich likes
11 years ago
jokes at the Swiss' expense. "Haven't in quite some time. Why?"
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
they should change that...and he honestly has a hard time understanding Switzerland's German accent. "I think we should go. Get out of the house and you do have good mountains."
11 years ago
smiles. "That does sound fun." It had been so long since he'd actually been out skiing. "I'll just get ready."
11 years ago
had brought his stuff just in case. "Great. I'll wait for you here."
11 years ago
made his way upstairs to change into something warmer and then fetched his old ski's out of the hall closet. "How did you know I would agree to skiing?"
11 years ago
had a feeling. "I remember you liked it when I was younger."
11 years ago
smiles. Ah yes... he remembered. He sighs softly at the memories suddenly flashing back before gesturing for Ludwig to follow. "Are you ready?"
11 years ago
nods as he grabs his bag from beside the door. "My stuff is in the car. Hope you don't mind that we take my car."
11 years ago
- "Not at all." He follows him out, making sure to lock the door.
11 years ago
( He left the kettle on. Damn it, Roddy. ))
11 years ago
(( Well....dammit. OH MAN! No we can use and then he has to live with Ludwig until they fix the house...except the presents are gone. D: ))
11 years ago
(( What do you want to do? ))
11 years ago
xD Ogosh. Well, as long as Luddy took his gifts with him it should be fine for that idea. ))
11 years ago
(( He did...but the book he made for Roddy? ...D: ))
11 years ago
(( Well, he has a back up, so I'm down. ))
11 years ago
places his stuff in the trunk grabbing Roderich's skies and placing them on the head of the car. He unlocks the door so the other can enter before making sure everything is secure.
11 years ago
( Pft. Sounds good. )
11 years ago
slips into the passenger seat, putting his seat belt on. Safety first.
11 years ago
gets into the drivers seat also putting on his seatbelt. It was law afterall. And then the engine roars to life and their off towards the mountain. Old 40s German music playing quietly in the car.
11 years ago
enjoys the music. He settles back, relaxing and watching the snow and trees outside.
11 years ago
hits the highway shifting into gear speeding past a good many cars. The silence was nice.
11 years ago
liked the silences as well. He liked not having to struggle to keep up a conversation with Ludwig. The silence was nice.
11 years ago
makes it to the mountains in record time and without breaking any rules. "I'll grab our equipment and are you alright with getting the ski lift tickets?"
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