Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago Guess I'll do this one too.
latest #20
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
oh right I forgot I posted this yesterday. Guess I'll give it a bump in case anyone's interested.
11 years ago
PERSONA 4 because mlp is too obvious
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
PERSONAAAAAA alright let's do this
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Favorite Male: Prrrrrobably the MC? I just love the weird sense of humor you can make him have. Kanji is a super-close second, though.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Favorite Female: Chieeeeeeeeee surprising exactly nobody. Energetic steak-loving martial artist tomboy, I mean, really, what's not to like.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Favorite Pairing: Chie/Yukiko again to the surprise of approximately zero people. I have always liked best friends who become more, and when it's best friends as adorable as these two?
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
WEAK, 9999 damage
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Least Favorite Character: Tough one, because there's very few characters in the game I dislike. But probably King Moron. He's just a jerk with no real redeeming qualities.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Mitsuo is a contender, but he seems genuinely messed up, and I feel like his issues would be interesting if addressed. (I think I have a half-started fanfic along those lines sitting around somewhere.)
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Who's Most Like Me: Hmm, this's kinda tough. I want to say the MC, but I feel like he has a lot more potential for being outgoing than me.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Maybe if we mix in a little of Naoto's awkwardness and Teddie's penchant for puns.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
His punchant.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Sorry. (I'm not actually sorry.)
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
brb, taking care of rent
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Alright, I'm back.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Most Attractive: Have to say Rise-chan. She's adorable and sweet and I can't seem to ever romance anyone else.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
(Although I will confess that if Ms. Kashiwagi actually calmed down and stopped trying so hard, she would be a contender.)
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
And finally, Three More Characters That I Like: ...can we just say "everyone"?
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Um, Yukiko, Teddie, and Nanako, I guess? Ugh, I really have a hard time picking. I love the whole Investigation Team and all the Social Links, and and and
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
/just. just wraps up all of Inaba in a hug
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