11 years ago
Hello, everyone! With the holidays finally over, I'm proud to introduce a few new employees! And Christmas like things!
latest #30
11 years ago
First off-- one_night_star with Akihito, a new host!
11 years ago
Descocoparadox brings us the lovely Marie Antoinette.
11 years ago
And, of course, radiance with the every so charming Gokudera as our new, swanky pianist!
11 years ago
Second: Christmas!
11 years ago
Naturally, bonuses all around, and Christmas/New Year's off.
11 years ago
Desmond also sent everyone home with some extra food (if, you know, you want to dare his cooking in the first place), cookies, and a bottle of champagne for everyone to celebrate with!
11 years ago
Third: The monthly mingle will be up tonight! I'll let you guys know when that happens.
11 years ago
\o/ So far that's it!
11 years ago
Get y'all's CR with the new kiddies on!
11 years ago
hello hello all new employees
11 years ago
im amy & i play mukuro but im on hiatus!!
11 years ago
hello new employees I'm ri and I play connor the bear bouncer
❧ Druidic Focus
11 years ago
wendo! and i yamamoto in all his sexy, derpy glory is mine
❧ Druidic Focus
11 years ago
don't know where the extra i came from though, lol
❧ Druidic Focus
11 years ago
hi lovelies!
One Night Star
11 years ago
Hello ^^ Nice to meet you all. I'm..obviously Akihito XD
❧ Druidic Focus
11 years ago
sure bb, i can put it up if you want me to!
❧ Druidic Focus
11 years ago
i''m about to crash, but i can put it up tomorrow morning and things
❧ Druidic Focus
11 years ago
❧ Druidic Focus
11 years ago
❧ Druidic Focus
11 years ago
kk! <333
ohai. :-) coffee here and I play Lyle Dylandy, a bartender
And monthly mingle, awesome I was wanting an open bartender log for Lyle anyhow!
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