Ksenia wishes
11 years ago
everyone с Рождеством! Merry Christmas!!
latest #117
Dorthe wishes
11 years ago
her a Merry Christmas as well. Wait, what was the Russian doing down in this area?
Ksenia was
11 years ago
visiting other orthodox Russians in the area to wish them well. Her people were everywhere after all. And it was good to pop in to see other nations to wish them a good new year!
11 years ago
wondered it would be a good idea to tag along.
Ksenia thinks
11 years ago
she can, anyone can celebrate today! Her and Ireland once celebrated together too since they're Christmas celebrations are so close together. Dorthe is more than welcome to join her festivities.
11 years ago
peeked over the other's shoulder in amusement. " Looks like you're having fun, ja?"
11 years ago
grins at her. "It is Christmas Dorthe!! It is one of my favourite times of year. I was just about to go to your house and give you card for you and twin. Here you are!" She thrusts the card towards her. "From_
11 years ago
me, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!"
11 years ago
stared and nodded slowly, always confused by her. " I'll get it him later." She looked at the card briskly before putting it away.
11 years ago
smiles happily. "Can you also give rest of cards to your family? Sweden and Finland do not like me very much after all!" She shoves a whole stack of cards towards her. "We need to go to next family, for vodka!"
11 years ago
nodded again as she put them in her purse. She figured she could help out seeing the Russian was harmless most of the time. " I guess..."
11 years ago
grabs her arm, she's pretty jolly from all the stops. "We got to house, say Merry Christmas, except vodka and cake and we go to next house! It will be very much fun!"
11 years ago
blinks and let the other dragged her along. " Alright, alright."
11 years ago
goes to the first house on her list and knocks on the door. The two are greeted with Christmas wishes in Russian and ushered into the house. "Make sure you do not sip shot, it is rude. Make sure you eat cake_
11 years ago
because no one will carry you home! Ahh, spasibo!" She takes her shot and holds it up. "с Рождеством!!"
11 years ago
nods faintly as she followed the customs as per needed. Her Russian was obviously terrible so she simply said cheers and all the other greeting shenanigans while trying not to seem confused.
11 years ago
downs the shot and takes one of the tea cakes. "Say 'spasibo' Dorthe, even if you are terrible they appreciate gesture. After this we go to next house. This is lot of fun, da? You should all do this!"
11 years ago
nods as she finished her drink and nods. " Maybe when things are not as busy again next year and tak." She still had a bit of trouble getting use to all these different festivities.
11 years ago
pats her should affectionately, she had been doing this since morning after all. "Do you want to stop for coffee, you look very overwhelmed. Dasvidaniya!" She pulls Dorthe outside as another couple comes in.
11 years ago
just wasn't used to all this celebration as her own celebrations had grew quieter over the years. " Ah nej I'm good." She just went along with the other, thanking the families not awkwardly as she could.
11 years ago
laughs cheerfully. "You get used to after a few houses. How are you Dorthe? I met your twin once, he is as strange as you! How is the family, still hate me? I miss Iceland.. ahh there is house!" She's lost_
11 years ago
count on how many shots she has had but she's in a great mood so it's not very important now.
11 years ago
drank along and smiles, " I'm good and ja I know that he's a weirdo. As for the rest of them, you know the usual and they probably are still at odd if you try to step over the border." She was always_
11 years ago
_ able to keep up with the other's drinking and talking speed which thank Odin for that blessing.
11 years ago
takes her to the next house, greeting the family loudly. "He is cute, too bad he is taken. He looked strong enough to stand up to Belarus too." She taps her shot glass to Dorthe's before gulping it down.
11 years ago
nods as she drank the shot not long after. " I don't think you want to fight Sve for him. Both of those two are fighters despite being boring as hell."
11 years ago
snorts. "I think we'd know who would win against Sweden. Do you know how many times you asked me to help you in your wars with her? Too many times Dorthe! Spasibo!!" She takes the cake to go as other people_
11 years ago
push them gently out the door as they're getting in. "Too many times Dorthe!!"
11 years ago
shakes her head in response and gave a light shrug after. " My past kings always have something to prove you know." She sighed after, thanking the people in a similar manner.
11 years ago
pokes her cheek with a laugh. "Your kings, da, but also you. You were always trying to prove something too. You never like coming second to Sweden. It is okay, it was fun some of times."
11 years ago
snorts as she swatted away the other's hand lightly. " Can't help it I'm competitive in spirit. Besides, it's good to hear you had fun after all those crazy years."
11 years ago
wraps an arms around her in a weird side hug. "Of course, of course, although you are lucky I did not lose that last war with Turkey. I probably would have killed you if I did!" She grins at her sweetly so the_
11 years ago
other couldn't tell if she was serious or not. "I heard that you were married, is that true Dorthe?"
11 years ago
took that as a straight up bluff and rolled her eyes. " Turkey is too far away to be able to do anything regardless." She raised a brow at the other after. " I see the news spreads like wildfire."
11 years ago
shrugs. "You should be surprised that is was secret this long with so many gossiping women. I thought it was joke at first but just now you have affirmed it. Who did you marry?"
11 years ago
nods in a nonchalant fashion after. " Netherlands. The male one." She didn't seem too bothered by it honestly.
11 years ago
scrunches her nose trying to remember who Netherlands was. "Is that the twin of weird girl with the tulips? I think she opposed me a few times. You are very strange Dorthe."
11 years ago
laughs and nods again, finding that reaction from the Russian amusing. " She's not weird and I'm not strange. Try finding a sex god for your bed like him. It's not that easy." Now the Dane_
11 years ago
_ had forgotten how much she drank up to this point in time.
11 years ago
spots the next house on her list and laughs. "A sex good huh? I need to find me one of those. Strong man to keep Belarus away. Know where I can get one?" She stumbles up the porch as the door opens.
11 years ago
keeps the other up which chuckling, " They aren't that hard to find in the red light district you know, Ksenia."
11 years ago
takes the shot she is given and frowns at the other nation. "That is disgusting Dorthe, the things you can catch there. And I do not like random flings, had enough of that when I was young."
11 years ago
wrinkles her nose, " It might be honestly cleaner than what you actually assume. Making assumptions on places you've never been to is a lot easier than if you have." She nods promptly _
11 years ago
_after. " It's more so meeting new people than going for one night stands, Ksenia."
11 years ago
eats her cake before answering. "I have been there, I have been desperate too before. Never again, I will die all alone before going back there again. An old woman in the forest like Baba Yaga."
11 years ago
nods as she observed the other, " Alright, I'm just giving a suggestion."
11 years ago
pats her shoulder. "I know, I know. A not very good one but spasibo. I think I need a coffee or I will not be able to do this for the rest of day. Do you want coffee too? My treat."
11 years ago
snorts and nods again " Sure, I don't mind."
11 years ago
looks around. Where is she again? "Lead the way Dorthe, I do not know where your coffee places are. Also, why would you get married? Have you not been married before or is it not nation related?"
11 years ago
shrugs, still having her bearings as she went to a cafe place not too far away. " It's more so put in human terms rather than nation terms, except no extravagant ceremony and annoying things."
11 years ago
stares at the menu, she doesn't read Danish at all. "human marriage, it sounds very nice. Keep all the messy nation affairs out. Can you order me something, your language is hard to read at the best of time."
11 years ago
glances over and nods lightly, " Would you like something sweeter or bitter?" She put down her own menu as she already had something to order in mind. " Well, its less to deal with since I'm lazy."
11 years ago
needed something to offset all the cake. "Bitter would be best. And you, lazy? In what way? Because you certainly do not act it. Always fluttering about with things in that loud voice."
11 years ago
laughs and makes the orders for them as she stretched out on the couch they sat on. " I maybe loud and hardworking but give a Dane a break once in a while." She shrugs.
11 years ago
stretches her legs, she had been doing a lot of walking. "A break, I feel that is all I have been doing. You are lucky to have your twin, I do not know what to do with all the papers stacking up."
11 years ago
smiles as she watched her, " My twin is on break so I do most of the work and your twin was around in the past. They just seem to have a habit of dissappearing."
11 years ago
puts her hands up high in the air. "The stack is almost this big, I can not even go in office anymore. Should I just sign it or just start burning everything?"
11 years ago
shrugs, " Whichever you prefer. I like the signing, submitting and then burning way of doing things."
11 years ago
happily takes her drink from the barrista and has a nice big gulp. "Would it not be bad if I signed it without him knowing? Maybe I should just burn it all and pretend it never existed in first place."
11 years ago
shrugs again as she thanks the server before sipping her drink. " Whatever floats your boat honesty. They can really tell my handwriting apart from my twin's sometimes."
11 years ago
takes another sip. "Maybe I'll just burn the whole office down.."
11 years ago
shakes her head, " It's too annoying to explain after."
11 years ago
stares. "Did you burn down a whole office Dorthe?"
11 years ago
shakes her head, " Was tempted to once actually."
11 years ago
laughs. "It is probably easier than burning down one of Finland's castles. Do you remember when I did that? One of your wars with Sweden and I burnt down her castle, how funny!"
11 years ago
scratches her head remembering Fin wasn't too happy with that. " I think its better to not mention it around them."
11 years ago
frowns a little. "I thought it was funny memory.. is it not funny memory? We were just young then!"
11 years ago
gave her a slight look of disapproval. " Ja but we're all old and cranky now."
11 years ago
pouts. "But it was funny! You thought it was very funny at time!":
11 years ago
sighs and just pushes the plate of pastries to the other. " That was when Sve pissed me off badly though."
11 years ago
takes a sip of drink and grins at her. "You know what we should do Dorthe..."
11 years ago
finished her own drink as she looked over to the other, " Hm? Enlighten me."
11 years ago
takes one of the pastries and pretends to look nonchalant. "You and I have not done anything fun in ages, da. At least not at expense of our dear friend Astrid..."
11 years ago
snorts in response, " I lost an eye to her already Ksenia and she disappears too often nowadays."
11 years ago
grins widely. "Even better that she is not home."
11 years ago
shakes her head, " I'm still not in on what you're planning." She didn't want to create a mess she could not fix.
11 years ago
shrugs. "Just a little fun prank. We will not burn anything down this time. Just some good old college fun."
11 years ago
sighs, " Like what?" She wasn't too sure if the other did have a good idea.
11 years ago
eats one of the pasteries and thinks about it. "We can change the flag with ours, throw toilet paper on trees, egg door. Just fun classic pranks. No burning, I promise."
11 years ago
made a sound. " Done that to her old house already and got chased down at least 10 blocks in heels. As for her new house, she lives to my twin so that's out of the question."
11 years ago
frowns. "Where is adventurous Dane I once knew? He is probably not even home. Either house, you said she was not around. And this time you have me, four hands make quicker work."
11 years ago
facepalmed, " I'm getting too old for this Ksenia." She sighed after, " And I'm not in the best of moods lately. Maybe in a few months I'll be better."
11 years ago
scrunches her nose, she hates hearing about getting old. "You have no grey hair yet Dorthe. Why are you in not good mood? Throwing eggs at Sweden's house might make you feel better.."
11 years ago
often used it more as an excuse now, " Nej, our hair turns brown when we get old." She pointed to the few strands found in her own hair. " I also lost a good friend not too long ago."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Just dye your hair back. And why did you lose good friend? Did they pass away?"
11 years ago
shakes her head, " Not to fond of the whole dying process. As for my friend, he was a baby dragon and I had to send him back home."
11 years ago
frowns. "Why send him home? If he is baby someone should take care of him."
11 years ago
sighs as she looked to the window, " He wasn't a baby anymore and my husband wasn't too happy about him a lot with the things it did."
11 years ago
takes another sip of her drink. "Who came first, baby or husband? And if he is your baby then husband should learn to compromise. Sending him away does not seem fair or right."
11 years ago
shakes her head, " Husband came first and things were just not working out." She was depressed about it.
11 years ago
pats her shoulder. "Why could they not compromise?"
11 years ago
shrugs, " It just didn't work."
Ksenia feels
11 years ago
bad for her. "Did you want to keep dragon? You know you do get vote in relationship."
11 years ago
shook her head. " Heimdall, my dragon made the decision. That's when I knew it waa time to let him go."
11 years ago
holds a pastery to her. "You sure defacing Sweden's property will not lift spirits? It has always lifted mine, defacing Poland's property."
11 years ago
raises a brow before taking it, " I'll prefer not losing an eye again to Sve."
11 years ago
sighs. "You said she was not home and what will twin do if he catches us? Nothing. It is perfect safe fun"
11 years ago
...stares at her. " That's the problem. He will do something."
11 years ago
laughs. "Like what, scold us? I have gotten worse than scolding before, I am sure we will be alright."
11 years ago
flicks the other on the forehead. " Try pissing me off to see what happens then. Don't take the idiot for nothing."
11 years ago
rubs her forehead. "I have seen you mad before, nothing that scary. Besides, that would just be mean, hitting girls."
11 years ago
shakes her head, " Just don't do it and ruin your own day Ksenia."
11 years ago
pouts. "You are party pooper Dorthe. I remember when you used to be lots of fun to hang out with. Now you are like boring old married woman."
11 years ago
sighs, " I'll be fun when I need to. Just not now."
11 years ago
finishes her drink. "I fear you are becoming old woman. You need to have to not be sad, not wallow in sadness. When you feel better you tell me, we will go to Sweden's and have ton of fun."
11 years ago
smirks and nods as she paid the bill after she finished eating the pastry. She packed up the rest for the other to take one. " Old isn't something I'm worried about. As for being happier, we'll see."
11 years ago
holds some money out to her. "I said it was my treat. Just be you Dorthe, do not change to please anyone. You are better as fiesty woman."
11 years ago
shook her head as she pushed the money back with a faint smirk. " I insist, regardless. Besides being generous to me isn't going to help my case."
11 years ago
pockets the money, she isn't going to insist on it. "I was not making you charity case if that is what you think. I will pay next time then. You seem little better now though."
11 years ago
nods as she put her coat on, " Well, it's not like I would reject alcohol or company any day. Next time, we're going to a bar."
11 years ago
laughs, putting her jacket on. "And you can help me find sex god, da?"
11 years ago
nods, " I'll see who I can recommend you in the future that is legitimate."
11 years ago
puts her hat back on. "I have more houses to hit. Merry Christmas Dorthe! Remember to give everyone my cards please. I wrote nice note for Finland!"
11 years ago
nods as she looked to the other when they reached outside. " Alright but I'm not responsible for how they respond to it. God Jul Ksenia."
11 years ago
laughs. "I kid, I kid, it just says Merry Christmas. It would be no fun if I can not see their face if I wrote sweet note. Take care of yourself Dorthe, you better be more amusing next time I see you."
11 years ago
nods again as she waved before taking her leave.
11 years ago
" Farvel and don't worry about it."
11 years ago
waves at her. "Do not turn into old lady Dorthe!!" She heads the other way, ready for more vodka and sweets.
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