Jennifer has absolutely lousy willpower at the best of times
so, like, Jennifer's vampiric weakness, is she loses will power when ever she resists giving in to her vice, and when she runs out of will power, she has to act on her vice
Awwww, shit.
Louise and Aramis will be vampire bait?
yes, but see, she give in to her vice by being the center of attention =D
And possibly having sex with the Musketeer
now, if he wasn't also a priest, then she wouldn't mind using her powers on him
Well, it's not like she needs to.
ARAMIS IS VAMP BAIT. #justsayin But not like he won't have fun while doing it!
Louise ain't half bad either; the cop part is appealing
He enjoys the ladies since he quit the church.
Jennifer should get her to teach her how to use a gun
I'm really looking forward to if/when Jennifer ever tells Aramis about her husband
OH GOD!! Jennifer Greene with a gun?!?!?!
of course, jennifer would never use a gun on a person; it's just not sporting
Louise is straight, tho---but she deffo likes Jenn, she needs female friends.
Jennifer is mostly straight. If Louise was good at fencing and poetry, then the vampire would totally go for that
besides, sex is mostly just a good tool for feeding
I really like how in the Requiem game Jenn is becoming largely oblivious to sexual innuendo
at the ball a couple folks kept making sex jokes that she was to busy paying attention to all the shiny things to notice
Talk about romancing the clergy though; in Requiem, Jennifer is half in love with an Angel
Louise isn't the brightest bulb in the box; I'm sure Erik Lehnsherr can attest to that, LMAO
oh, um, I'd have to look, hold on a sec
Well, she tries not to be, but she's a bit naïve still.
Sarah Biasini from julie chevalier de maupin
Erik doesn't have a high opinion of a lot of people though
yeah, a french flm, I think. I haven't been able to get a copy of it
but I had looked up swordswomen to use, since the sword part is so important
and when I saw her I thought she was perfect
so I iconed the heck out of the preveiw for it on youtube
Oh wow!! She's French AND Romy Schneider's kid.
anyway, I think the PB is just perfect for Jennifer
I was going to do a seperate plurk but I fail at
ing people
I woke up thinking how much I like the idea of Jennifer bringing home both of them
do you know what this means?
she could feed off of Louise AND have sex with Aramis (and feed off of him) all in one night!
never mind the blood lose from puking, she could end the night with more blood than she started, and not have to go hunting
plus, like, I get the bonus of anyone who sees her living arrangements is definately going to wonder what the heck is going on
but I do have a question, how would you'all feel about her using her vampire powers?
like, she'd probably use dominate on Louise to make the woman fall asleep at some point so she doesn't know she got fed on
and Jennifer is totally not above using Entrancement to keep company around
I'm fine with that; heh heh, I'm new to all the vamp stuff. How will Louise feel after?
um, jennifer's powers are discrete, so unless she's used to noticing when people mess with her mind, she might not notice the powers at all. in terms of blood loss, itwould be comparable to donating blood
Jennifer is extremely harmless, as far as vampires go these days
Aramis is a bit of a slut, so he doesn't need to be powered into bed. What does Entrancement do?
So, entrancement makes the victim infatuated with the vampire, making them want to do what ever they can to make the vampire happy/safe
there's free will still involved, so Jennifer doesn't feel too guilty using it, but it's risky because the victim gets to decide what he or she thinks will make the vampire happy
like, when the ex-Prince used Entrancement on Jennifer before trying for praxis, it backfired badly on him
since Jennifer decided that he was a much better and happier person when he wasn't prince
another example of backfiring is the last time Jennifer had a ghoul, his idea of keeping her safe was staking her and keeping her locked up in the basement
an example of it working well, would be when Jennifer usually goes hunting, she uses it on someone who is already flirting with her
Well he's certainly doing that