Artemis Ixxel
11 years ago
tomorrow i decied I shall respond to plurks with memefaces and gifs only. Thank you.
latest #10
11 years ago
11 years ago
I did that once, it was fun. I told people to do it with me, but they couldn't go the whole day.
Artemis Ixxel
11 years ago
hehehe Ill plurk a challange.... Great idea!
Alicia ✿ says
11 years ago
I'd have to kick my own ass if I did that. I'd be so annoyed. lol
Artemis Ixxel
11 years ago
11 years ago
I wish I could remember the date I set my challenge (LOL)
11 years ago
oh wait, I found it
Artemis Ixxel is
11 years ago
yours tomorrow to? why didnt i see it?????
11 years ago
lol, no, I posted that 9 months ago.
Artemis Ixxel
11 years ago
oh hhahahah
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