frisby says
15 years ago
Neil deGrasse Tyson is the expert on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire tonight!
latest #6
Modzilla says
15 years ago
Sweet. What's that?
frisby says
15 years ago
They've got a new thing where they video-conference in some person who can take a crack at answering your question if you get stuck.
frisby says
15 years ago
Often the question that gets thrown to the expert is way outside their field, or the "expert" is more of a celebrity than anything.
frisby says
15 years ago
Last night, they asked Tyson whose notebooks are stored in lead because they're radioactive. That's at least a science question, so he knew.
frisby says
15 years ago
The chick kept nodding her head while Tyson explained who Marie Curie was, as if she knew all along & just wanted him to feel useful.
Plaid23 says
15 years ago
A symptom of Neverwrong.
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