We're offering up a mod-controlled NPC monster for anyone who wants to log out an encounter, but you don't need to do so in order to post about your character going up against one.
Did someone call m- I mean.
You're a singular entity, Nribeep. It was plural up there!
Awh yeah, horrible critters
JAYDE I've been meaning to grab you! Do you desire an NPC encounter? :>
I am here to be grabbed! And an NPC encounter would be lovely :3
Lemme know what day would be good for you? I should be around for tagging tomorrow and early in the week.
I should be up for tagging tomorrow, if we want to at least get it started.
That is good with me! :3c
Sorry I could not include more cuttlefish beasties for you, we will try to do so next time.
Guys. I am torn whether Whirl should be badaft or totally get spanked.
What happens to the monsters after they're killed? Do their corpses just hang around?
They hang around. No FPS-style magical dissolution.
Yay starscream can gather more trophies
Nennui: And I'm guessing no sparks, right?
galaxia: A tasteful yet edgy sculpture of legs welded together
I would say no, no sparks.
So who wants a crown made out of centipede legs
I had no idea what the monsters would be like except insectoid. But the ones I just envisioned and described in my log with Drift are basically....exactly as described? O_O;
Maybe the brainwave we're operating on is a timeshare...
Though I sorta pictured an angry catepillar but that's basically like a centipede I think...
I made them flightless with soft underbellies and they rear up and spit corrosive stuff.
/cackles! I think angry caterpillar is too adorable a description.
Yeah, you know the the SG version of the Very Hungry Caterpillar!
Except yeah, with scary mandibles. Sorry, apparently I was camping in your brain earlier. o_o
That's alright, just mind the mess and the gutter water. Strange, sexy things dwell in there.
This is not a bad thing. Maybe our gutters should meet sometimes.
Maybe they will
so what happens if one is possibly vivisected maybe
it will be EXTRA angry, I assume
better get some good containment for it beforehand
watch Shockwave cut it open and immediately draw a whole pack down on himself with all the shrieking...
Nennui: QUESTION: Would it reveal too much of the plot too early for Wing and/or Drift to post on the Link about the blackouts being related to the Badlands, and maybe being related to the bug monsters?
I think I'd be more interested in hearing how they know their blackouts are linked to the Badlands nearby?
It's just kind of the way their log from last week developed. I didn't expect it to be so... accurate. O_o;;
But if it's too much we can not draw attention to it.
Toss me a link to the log so I can have a look? I don't see how they'd know this information with absolutely certainty, and it's not so bad if they're simply speculating.
Not with absolute certainty no, more like, THIS IS WEIRD...RIGHT? As context, Drift disappears and Wing assumes it's the usual losing someone to the Badlands thing.
So when he mentions Badlands, it's in context of the original.
It's kind of round about speculation when he finds Drift in the wastelands but not on the way to the original Badlands as expected...
Here, lemme grab you on AIM, it'll be easier. xD
- unlessss you're not online there, nuts.
I think it would be all right if they noted that it seemed some of the Badlands appeared to have moved closer to the Haven and present the possibility that it's linked to the blackouts and maybe even the
monsters, but can you do it near the end of the week?
This might force us to accelerate the plot a little bit and I want to make sure everybody who wants to play with the monsters gets a chance. \o/
Whoops, yeah. I didn't log back into AIM when my comp rebooted the other night.
But yeah the timing can be whatever is easiest. Could use it to transition to the next phase if you want.
Or we can leave of bits, like just linking the blackouts to the bugs and leave out the badlands, or whatever. I'm not deadset on posting it yet, just thinking on ideas right now.
Ideas are good!
The FF will want to look around and confirm where the monsters are coming from before they take any sort of action.
Maybe Wing and a couple others could do a survey of the area for them to make sure the Badlands are the source?
Hmm, maybe. Originally I was just thinking a "We've noticed some strange things" kind of link post. I'll think about it.
Sure sure, think about it some and let me know!
Nennui: for something we can post now, I assume speculation on if the monsters and blackouts are connected is okay yes?
Go for it! Speculation is fine.
tossed up something on there as well :#
I saw! I'll get back to you with something coherent tomorrow. I'm stretched a bit thin tonight. x_x
Oh, it's nothing more than needing a full night's rest, but thank you Tyboo. xD <3