16 years ago
doesn't like Firefox 3 and wants to go back but doesn't know how!
latest #11
AlexG has
16 years ago
not noticed a considerable difference
chisa says
16 years ago
main issue is addons not working and it crashing when I try to get them to work. Really really need the web dev extension :-(
AlexG says
16 years ago
my web dev toolbar is working...Did you uninstall the old version before upgrading?
chisa says
16 years ago
no, didn't think of it :-( I've tried reinstalling but still not working
16 years ago
Some apps were silly and did not add the Firefox 3 support to their old addon and instead created a new addon ID so you might need to look
chisa says
16 years ago
I've got the main ones working now, will just have to be patient and look out for the rest I guess :-)
16 years ago
yeah i've done the same over the past month through the beta's and RC's and emailing/chatting to some of the addon devs has helped :-)
16 years ago
I've got my base Firefox install list over at my tumblr which I've been updating as things become compatible or replaced -
chisa says
16 years ago
awesome, thanks cuzza!
MensRea asks
16 years ago
if you got the update yesterday to 3.0.1? Solved my stability issues, but not the addons... yet.
skribe says
16 years ago
yhas anyone found a replyment for the tinyurl addon?
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