Oh my gosh. Today is just not my day. I'm in so much pain, miss my husband, miss my best friends, miss Cali. And I really just wanna go back to bed and start again tomorrow.
Thanks. I just needed to vent.. lol I can't even vent on Facebook anymore cause a lady from church told me it's not a flattering perception of me when people just see me complaining.. soooo yeah. lol
which.. she's right. but it sucks keeping everything to myself. And most of my friends live on the internet. haha so I vent there just like I would to a friend. But I guess I need to just get a little stronger
and stop complaining so much.
*just like I would to a friend in person.
Ooooor you could do more venting here. We don't care about perception.
Vent away. Another good way to get your feelings is keep a journal. We all need to vent sometimes instead of keeping
Yes, vent away. Or you know, keep the lady from seeing your complaining statuses...she doesn't like it, she doesn't have to look!
Well, although I see the point she's trying to make (idk who youre referring to), I dont think ppl paint a bad pic of themselves by venting
Now and then. If you are doing it all the time, yes. But I rarely notice you complaining. And I don't think pretending you arent human and
rockinrobin87: yeah. I totally get what she means. And I know she's right. But it left me feeling kind of.. idk. lost? idk who I can vent to or if I should even vent at all. Ya know?
Dont have bad days is the answer. You can always vent here (bc its a tighter knit group of ppl). And Im always here if you need to talk.
rockinrobin87: thanks. sometimes I'm bad about seeing what I DO have. And I have some pretty great friends here who I know never get tired of posting the
emoticon and listening to me complain. lol
Quinntendo: Well if you don't mind me asking, what brought it up? I mean..everyone has difference of opinions but I don't think as
Christians we can't express our feelings. I think we have to show others that God gives us reason to be push forward and we are blessed in
Every situation bc of His grace. But that doesn't mean our lives are perfect. And I would think acting like we don't face struggles would
Be deceitful. But of course, we dont want to seem ungrateful or selfish about what we have or don't. So its a fine line.
Well originally she confronted me about the language I use in some of my statuses (misusing "holy" or saying "freakin" "crap" etc.) Not cuss words, but things that are replacements for cuss words or still give
the same connotation. And then she elaborated about how we shouldn't complain or nag on Facebook because it's so open and out there and people form an opinion of Christians as a whole based on what they see
from one Christian. So I should carry myself in a way, online and off, that would bring people to Christ and show his love rather than turn them away. We shouldn't give people an opportunity to call us
hypocrites. Which.. I totally get that. And she's right. But it sort of made me feel like I need to stop posting as much. Especially since Brent and I are reading proverbs and there's the verse in 10:19 that
"sin is unavoidable when there is much talk" so I started to think maybe I'm posting too much and that gives me more opportunities to post something that is sinful. Like, I shouldn't be posting several times a
day. But then when I don't post on Facebook, I sit alone in my house.. and I totally feel myself becoming depressed because I'm just not used to being alone for such long periods of time. lol like in Cali my
friends and I would spend every second from the time we woke up till we went to bed together. So idk. I'm just lonely and wanna talk to people, but I'm starting to question what is and is not appropriate for
Facebook. lol sorry for the novel. I just haven't been able to talk to anyone about it.
That's what we're here for honey...you can always vent to us.