11 years ago
More hurtfulness - I have discovered that a podcaster and designer that I respect has blocked me on plurk and twitter. I wonder what they think I did?
latest #55
11 years ago
I have only ever blocked bullies and stalkers on either platform myself. Oh well. I guess they lost a customer!
knitnpurlgurl says
11 years ago
That ducks. Maybe it was by mistake, maybe message them on rav and find out what's up.
knitnpurlgurl says
11 years ago
*sucks, not ducks lol
knitalittle says
11 years ago
:-( (cozy)
smilingturtle says
11 years ago
11 years ago
knittynatter: Part of me thinks it is their loss and that I do not have the energy/spoons to waste on their opinions but part of me would like to know… I have only just found this out and have not decided yet.
11 years ago
knittynatter: It does hurt though.
11 years ago
knittynatter: I may just have to do my usual coping mechanism and cut them back, i.e. from plurk, twitter and rav.
ncflower says
11 years ago
what's going on in this usually supportive caring community??? :-(
11 years ago
knittynatter: Oh, I agree! I have messaged them on Rav. If they do not reply or are nasty then I also reserve the right to block them and stop watching them! ;-)
11 years ago
People mute or delete friends for different reasons. It's not all personal.
11 years ago
CoggieTm: I did not know you could mute people on Twitter. Hmm. Okay. I have been using it for years and not learned that! I am not sure how that would stop me following them, though.
11 years ago
11 years ago
Muting on Twitter is just not following back. I only have certain people I follow. I keep my timeline short over there.
11 years ago
They can mention me, but I don't see the post in the regular timeline
11 years ago
Oh right. No, I was not allowed to follow them because, according to the Twitter error message, of something the user has set. That, in my experience, is blocking.
11 years ago
No idea then, No one has to let everyone be their friend everywhere. It's all personal choice, don't take it personally.
11 years ago
Well, you see, it is personal if they personally block me. I do see what you are saying, though, and that is probably where I will end up.
11 years ago
I just have a tendency to perseverate about how I could have hurt or upset someone. Yes that is a personality flaw of mine, but I don't like to hurt or upset people.
Luliriisi says
11 years ago
I've got my Twitter feed as private. I manually approve every single person who wants to follow me. And unless I feel like I know you, I won't let you follow me. (You being a general you in this case!)
11 years ago
yep, mine too
Luliriisi says
11 years ago
And I keep it that way because I bitch about work a lot on there and I want to control who sees that.
11 years ago
I know about private accounts. This was a different error message. That is how I know I am physically and personally blocked. YMMV I guess. ;-p
11 years ago
I am going to stop taking part in this conversation due to a lack of energy/spoons. I have messaged the person in question and decided not to post the blog that came out of my fingers earlier. I am done.
11 years ago
boutrosbabe: Thank you for explaining. I was merely trying to explain that your reality differs from mine. I suppose that my wording was brief and not self-explanatory but then 140 …
11 years ago
characters including an hashtag is not many for a full explanation. Oh well. Your mileage obviously varies. I respect you a lot and did love to watch your podcast but …
11 years ago
I am having to cut out a lot of (all USian so far) podcasts that are hurtful to me because of their, what seems like to me, artificially positive and happy-go-lucky attitude.
11 years ago
While, yes, it would be nice if everyone in the world could be positive and happy, many of us have a LOT more to contend with and so I would rather be true to my reality than falsely positive, if I am feeling …
11 years ago
in pain or depressed that day. It was just my 2¢ and I had forgotten that I ever made that tweet, twitter being such a throw-away and not in-depth medium. It is a bit sad that you just blocked me rather than …
11 years ago
asking for clarification, but I understand. Life is too short for you to let me follow your tweets if my reading your words would hurt you. I apologise for writing something that hurt you.
CoggieTm says
11 years ago
As a podcaster. I don't have to confirm to what you want to hear. There is no one demanding that you listen to me, or any other podcast.
CoggieTm says
11 years ago
Instead of always complaining about us not understanding, find one that does or pick up the mic yourself.
11 years ago
CoggieTm: I did consider starting a podcast and may do as yet but have been reluctant to, especially since seeing the abuse that Mel has been experiencing at the hands of a podcaster and the abuse that I
11 years ago
CoggieTm: received from a podcaster myself, on plurk. As it is I am not watching podcasts as much and have stopped attending any VKNs. I get enough abuse from people face-to-face and online
11 years ago
CoggieTm: without intentionally putting myself in harms way by speaking out any more than I already do. I already speak my mind and look where it has got me. YMMV. Just sayin'.
11 years ago
boutrosbabe: Thank you for the hugs and once again I apologise for my words if they hurt you as that was not my intent. Yes, having PTSD is very painful, as are many of my symptoms.
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