[FE:A] So I picked this up because my timeline was kind of exploding over it... And I have a Very Important Question to ask my fellow players:
latest #18
Which teams/ships/pairs are the cutest and/or funniest?
(important is synonymous with shameless, right?)
I bought this game JUST for shipping
But I just started so no idea
I've seen a few over tumblr... but since it's just a few I have no idea if it's the best per se
.../throws self under bus
My favorites so far are F!Avatar/Freddrick, and Sully/Virion. Also trying to get Chrom and Sumia together, Maribelle and Donnel, and Nowi/Gregor
But I will say that f!avatar/Chrome is adorable too
Oh and trying for Lissa/Lon'qu
I will probably go for f!avatar/Chrom, and idk for some reason Sumia/Frederick seems like it would also be adorable.
though I have to get a bit farther to know for sure...
I'm not even out of tutorial land yet xD
yeah Chrom and the fem-avatar is adorable.
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