farahpinkygurl says
15 years ago
life without yan means MB will cry until tissue tak dak stok...
latest #30
SylviaLinsherC says
15 years ago
u better delete dis ar!
farahpinkygurl says
15 years ago
see first...
farahpinkygurl says
15 years ago
i promise oredi wat???
SylviaLinsherC says
15 years ago
wei! pls la...nanti org tengok den ter salah faham macam Maneee?
Lynnmuaxx says
15 years ago
farahpinkygurl says
15 years ago
takpe leeeeeeh
;c a r m e n; says
15 years ago
takpe? later Yan go coo-coo.
SylviaLinsherC says
15 years ago
yea la...kesian ok!
farahpinkygurl says
15 years ago
kesian??? who???? you????
SylviaLinsherC says
15 years ago
♥ L a n a says
15 years ago
her tears akan banjiri this island
;c a r m e n; says
15 years ago
true true. we better move first. haha
♥ L a n a says
15 years ago
before it floods
;c a r m e n; says
15 years ago
yea lor. we have to move up to mount everest. i bet that's the only place Yan's tears cant reach
♥ L a n a says
15 years ago
yeah true also. cos mount everest is too high d. if her tears could reach then i dunno where to go d
;c a r m e n; says
15 years ago
there's a posibility that her tears can reach
♥ L a n a says
15 years ago
yeah and we will all drown
;c a r m e n; says
15 years ago
poor us/
;c a r m e n; says
15 years ago
i bet she will flood the entire planet
;c a r m e n; says
15 years ago
thank god she din online, if not she sure kill us!
♥ L a n a says
15 years ago
yeah yeah for 1 week she's not going to on9
SylviaLinsherC says
15 years ago
♥ L a n a says
15 years ago
enjoy it lorrrr
SylviaLinsherC says
15 years ago
eh..since wen MB bcum a she huhh?
♥ L a n a says
15 years ago
since when we say MB is a she
SylviaLinsherC says
15 years ago
u say she cry blah blah blah...n look at the title la...
♥ L a n a says
15 years ago
you wont understand what are talking eh la
SylviaLinsherC says
15 years ago
wateva..juz stop spreading stupid rumours la...
♥ L a n a says
15 years ago
not spreading also. talks about it only
SylviaLinsherC says
15 years ago
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