This is still not a joke. Really, I have no idea what possessed us to do all of this on April 1st.
I will hold everything the mods do today in high suspicion
I'll be honest: I did in fact consider staging a coup and holding the mod journals hostage until the rest of the mods sent me all of their chocolate.
Reclaim April 1st in the name of serious plots!
Then I remembered that all the chocolate is super cheap in stores today, and it's probably easier to just go get some myself.
Sae, how is it that you have coyotes and documentaries but no chocolate? ;n;
i read that as april fools plot
/forever dubious but very intrigued!
We really should have put up an April Fool's plot.
"Everyone is now wearing rollerskates. They do not come off, and handle like they've been buttered."
Only Sideswipe survives with his dignity intact.
BUT NO, you get ghosts instead. Someone app one of those annoying guys who shouts "DID YOU HEAR THAT?"
(well, except for anyone who can fly and thus avoid such foolishness)
Swoop does nothing but fly around for 24 hours
one of the ghostbusters come in during this event as a Lost
What we need is some people to become the Ghost Hunters for the event, clearly.
I immediately nominate Jetfire as the Doesn't Believe in the Supernatural guy.
Now we just need The Spiritual One, and The Guy Who Goes Into The Dark Basement To Investigate That Scary Noise.
Skids volunteers for the second!
He heard they kept the best grades of energon down there, didn't he?
deads will provide the WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIIIEEEEE screaming
Jetfire would certainly start out trying to find other explanations, but he DOES try to look at the supernatural explanations if he has to. P:
(And then it wasn't anything scary at all, it was just a sad, drunk ghost hiccuping to itself.)
Personally, Jetfire blames the Fallen?
Starscream is the guy who dies first?
Starscream spends the rest of the event as the jerkwad ghost who won't leave people alone.
Car alarm when you're trying to sleep? Car alarm when you're trying to sleep~
Swoop's the one that suggests they all split up to try to investigate more rooms at the same time.
Swoop is not taking into account that he's one of the few well-equipped to take care of himself...
Of course not. He's going to roll his eyes every time someone screams when they see a ghost.
Clearly you should all just bash them if they're that scary, duh.
even shockwave agrees with swoop
I'm gonna shove ghosts down Glit's pants, Goa. And he will not notice, because he is a drunk.
... well, I sure shoved that ghost SOMEWHERE.