Hi Awesome, you look lovely
you should try on "practicing" your make-up for Dusk
you know what, your weird make-ups often reminds me of vision-k kind of genre
Oh? they do? XD and yeah...Dusk...I'm really good at blood tho so i actually have to focus more on my costume... IDK WHAT HE WEARS..just..clothes.
for Kiku, I probably need to buy some contacts at Comic-Con or something
See blooood. And I wouldn't get them at comicon. the lady there is like..omg. I'm all "So...they're circle lenses..right?" she YELLED AT ME. "THEY AREN'T CIRCLE LENSES THEY'RE BIGGER AND BETTER"
you look like you've just murder someone LOL
the second one with the uniform looks like you've been beaten
well, let me check on e-bay when I have time
Maybe i DID murder someone....But i wouldn't do ebay either unless a direct shop through ebay. Go onto a website ebay implies someone else has
already purchased and you don't want their germs in your eyes.
...ew...ew .ew...i can take blood but..somebodyelseseyejuice..inyoureyes.
I mean like are seller/corp. that sells that these kind of items
not second hand...from individuals, ewwww
OKAY GOOD. cause...ew.
chestnut colour is close enough to amber, right?
um...chestnut is more...reddishbrown. Amber is close to golden color...like honey
OH SOY SAUCE...when it's on rice that lighter brown but very reddish brown color
...i like soy sauce..... =_= now i'm hungrryyyy
I mean, like this
it's said "O-Chestnut (Chestnut Brown)"
...yeah tht's close..i would still look for something more..gold.
what's Dusk's eye colour? just wondering
but yellowish is..kinda...when he's killing people cause his eyes light up then..normally just a..hazel-y green
like this ?
"O-Green (Jade Green)"
or this?
"O-Hazel (Hazel Green)"
no..more green...piercing green like...VERY GREEN Give me a sec i have a pic where my eyes are close i think.
i can do dusks eyes with some makeup so..yeah..one sec
is it lighter green or darker green?
Lighter than this and brighter. Not the photo i wanted but it'll get the idea. the photo i wannted is on my phone. ==;
so... are you going to buy the eye contacts or you already have it?
..I don't need contacts... My eyes are green/yellow/and blue. I know that doesn't make sense..but...If you look in some pics..my eyes are electric blue others bright green...some yellow and still sometimes gra
y. That's the nice thing about people with light eyes...our eyes change color.
Well...not ALL light colored people...Forexample my sister has baby blue eyes....ALWAYS.
my dad has baby blue eyes ALWAYS and my mom goes from light blue to cerulean blue
I am the only person in my family who doesn't have blue eyes dark hair and curly hair.
the joke in my family is that i'm actually the male man's child because of my interests and tilted eyes...(mailman is asian or pacific islander)
oh yeah, I forgot about that LOL
sorry. i like talking about me. Anyways i don't need contacts..^^'
I was just surfing on e-bay looking at wigs
help me judge which one would look better
I hope you're only looking at them for length and color. The spikes and what not usually aren't naturally gonna stick up. Ya gotta style it.
by length, I didn't specifically choose color
I'm just looking at short wigs
Alright... Then the way to choose is the color. Uh..also Synthetic or real hair and look at measurements... Don't judge just by picture.
I'm trying to check out what a Swiss-Japanese hyrid would look like
even though it's my OC, I would like it to be as accurate in real life as possible
blonde, can be light blond or dirty blonde
...well. In real-life...They would probably have dark hair and dark eyes.
Unless...both parent's were 1/4 swiss and thus carried the reccessive gene...
that's how someone 1/2 swiss and 1/2 japanese could have light traits other than a very rare case.
why did I even make my oc blonde in the first place<<
XD idk Gina has that problem too. EVERYTHING IS BLONNNNDDDEEEE.
I probably need to change Kiku's hair colour...... or else he might look like Len (V)