what does it mean to write actually shippy fic i do not understand
latest #25
what do you mean you can be direct about things and actually have characters interact in a way that indicates an actual relationship i don't understand
what is anything that isn't oblique implication
full homo
11 years ago
full homo
11 years ago
#what do u mean my ships arent already married
full homo
11 years ago
opposite problem
can we just combine our powers that would be great thanks
casey im trying to sleep w/out painkillers how successful do u think ill be
full homo
11 years ago
take ur meds titpain
full homo
11 years ago
; )))))
what if i dont want to what if i want to stop being dependent on painkillers
why does my back hurt tonight it didn't hurt the other night
(maybe because you were medicated stupid)
... casey do you have aim
full homo
11 years ago
im at work rn amd yes
full homo
11 years ago
im hitsuzenidiot on aim
no i just had that thought abruptly like why havent i asked you about that before what's up with me
not that i ever use it but IT MIGHT BE NICE OCCASIONALLY WHEN UR NOT AT WORK (ur always at work)
hitsuzenidiot wow good job
full homo
11 years ago
yeah i was super into xxxholic
that is delightful
way back when in the days of yore when we used to all actually like animanga
u missed the story i told about mentally cataloguing scarlet letter characters using names of ppl from Fruits Basket because i was a dumbass as a teenager
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