idk. i want to make a bag b/c i know it's a popular game, but i know nothing about it haha
whichever is more popular i guess?
That's a tough question... both are quite popular.
then maybe 4 characters from both? haha i mean i did two SAO bags
(neither of which sold this weekend, despite people being all "Omg! I love this!" :| )
I'd say 4 is probably more popular, in terms of how often I see people talking about it. But my only real frame of reference for this is the length of their TV Tropes pages.
oh haha. well, give me 4 characters for each, i can just make 2 bags
And I thought that P3 was the more popular one.
I guess splitting the difference is probably the best bet, then!
and yeah, i guess this proves it's best to make 2 then haha
I just remember, I heard all these people talking about P3 so I bought it and loved it, and then by the time I met new people they were like "P4!!!! what I haven't played the other one"
See, my thought for the 4 from P3 would've been the Protagonist, Aigis, Yukari, and Junpei.... especially since Aigis is the only one who's actually on the P3FES box.
yeah I would recommend getting a second opinion
Especially because I really like Mitsuru <__< So I may have failed at neutrality
haha um well idrk anyone else to ask so i'll just figure it out
Aigis makes sense, she's pretty important to the plot. Maybe there's a popularity poll out there somewhere, IDK if they do those for games
i mean if i have at least 3 popular characters and one okish one, it should be okay
This might help! But yeah, I'm sure you'll be fine.
Both combined, it looks like.
Every character on the top seven is from P4 except for numbers five and seven.
now i have like 50 tabs open oops
haha. thanks so much for your help~~~~
I'm sure if you write down their names + visual descriptions that help you remember you can keep it straight! c:
Sorry about the delay... eating dinner.
np haha i like eat as i work .. i never stop working....
Just saw the two Persona 3 covers. One is the Protagonist, Yukari, and Junpei, the other is just Aigis.
I kinda have to, because dinner is "stop everything, we're having dinner" time. The only thing we do during dinner is watch Jeopardy.
ok, i think i'll do Aigis then
jfc am i the only one who doesnt watch jeopardy?
then again, you 2 + justin are all really smart. i get like 0 answers when i watch with him
you just don't do trivia, its all good