【劇情】 O Flouer o Scotland,Whan will we seeYer like again,That focht an dee'd for,Yer wee bit Hill an Glen,An stuid agin him,Prood Edward's Airmy,An sent him hamewart,Tae think again.……
……The Hills are bare nou,An Autumn leafs,Lig thick an still,O'er laund that's lost nou,That yon sae liefly huild.That stuid agin him,Prood Edward's Airmy,An sent him hamewart,Tae think again.…
…Thae days 's are gone nou,An in the past,Thay maun remain,But we can still rise nou,An be the nation again,That stuid agin him,Prood Edward's Airmy,An sent him hamewart,Tae think again.……
……O Flouer o Scotland,Whan will we seeYer like again,That focht an dee'd for,Yer wee bit Hill an Glen,An stuid agin him,Prood Edward's Airmy,An sent him hamewart,Tae think again.