Ceru ☆
11 years ago
If you swap out icons for new ones on DW, does it screw up all your old posts?
latest #31
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
like back on LJ I couldn't change my icons or the keywords ever because it would ruin every other time I'd used them
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
I've heard that on DW that isn't the case but I'm just wondering?
11 years ago
If you use the same keywords it won't
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
but if you want to like, use new icons temporarily and then switch back to the old ones it'll botch everything?
11 years ago
And with changing keywords there's a little box to check under the field that will keep your icon the same
11 years ago
And yes sadly
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
augh goddammit
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
that means if I ever want to humanize 5 for a loss I have to get a paid account :T
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
I was about to draw icons and everything but now idk if I can ever do it
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
I guess if like... ok if your paid account expires, does it like revert all the icons to your default?
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
or does it leave them alone? on LJ when my paid account expired it like cut back down to 15 icons and any icon that wasn't one of those 15 got turned into the default
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
sorry for all the questions :<
11 years ago
if you wanted a human loss, you can always make another account
11 years ago
we are pretty cool with that, so long as you let us know the account name you're using so we can let it into the comunities
11 years ago
then you wouldn't have to worry about icons at all :3
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
... that's true. I could afford to get a paid account just like once in order to do the event but I don't want my icons that I used during the loss to get reverted back to something else
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
after my paid account runs out
11 years ago
/nod nod. plenty of people have used free accounts in the past for this sort of thing. I know I have when Crowley had his bodyswap loss
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
Okay, I'll probably do that then when I decide to do it, thanks for the idea :>
11 years ago
Yeah TF just said what I was going to suggest as DW is similar to LJ in that you get just 15 icons when you paid expires (they all stay on posts though until you delete them)
11 years ago
It's typically the last 14 uploaded + your default though so you would probably end up with your loss icons anyway.
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
Then I'd lose all his other icons though, that'd be even worse lol
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
I'll just make a new account so I don't have to keep throwing money at DW forever to keep my icons
Just Lore
11 years ago
If you use the exact same keywords it sometimes works fine. When I changed Sunny's icons for Holly Peaks and back they fixed themselves.
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
but if I did that wouldn't the icons change back to the old ones on all the loss posts?
Just Lore
11 years ago
Only if the loss icons had all the same keywords. If there isn't an icon with the same keywords it goes back to the default.
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
Hmmm... it doesn't seem like there's a way to change your icons and then change them back without your old posts getting mucked up. unless I'm hearing something wrong
Just Lore
11 years ago
Yeah no matter what something's going to change. /shrugs. Personally I'm not bothered by loss posts not having the loss icons after it's over but that's just me.
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
I wish I wasn't bothered by that but I kind of am xD in case I ever go back to look at them again or somebody else does. So I'm probably gonna do what TF suggested and make an alt account
Ceru ☆
11 years ago
thanks for the help though
Just Lore
11 years ago
You're welcome.
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