Nethound asks
11 years ago
Anyone have any experiences with alternatives to SL? OSGrid, InWorldz, Kitely, etc? I'm considering making the change, though I hate to leave the SL community. It just seems too expensive to do much.
latest #17
11 years ago
I made an account on Cloud Party - but I have not taken a lot of time to figure it all out.
11 years ago
well my SL friends and SL family are, well, on SL, so no.
Nora says
11 years ago
inWorldz was like SL in 2006/7 but that was a few years back now
Nethound says
11 years ago
My real concern is people. It's taken a long time to gain the circle of friends I have in SL, and they are are what makes it special. I just can't afford the space I want there. But not much point building
Nethound says
11 years ago
on another grid if there is nobody there to hangout with. None of the others come anywhere close when it comes to population numbers.
11 years ago
nethound: My only other experience is with InWorldz and it always seems so empty wherever I visit. It would take some time to build new connections there, but there are also SL refugees there to connect with.
Nethound says
11 years ago
I'm checking out Kitely and Avination, but that is kind of my experience as well. I'm not planning on leaving SL, just trying to decide if I'm going to continue renting land there.
11 years ago
Seems a shame to give up the beautiful build you have, but it also seems to be a thing everyone goes through after a while.
11 years ago
I have an apartment/pod I rent in Extropia, which I only occasionally visit but which feels like "home" when I'm in there. My alt has a paid account and a Linden home which is nice, but not the same.
Nethound says
11 years ago
Building is the real temptation. I'm already spending $75 a month for 1/4 of a mainland sim. I'd really like to build more, and have more control. The next tier is $125 a month though, which is just too
Nethound says
11 years ago
hard to justify for renting virtual land.
11 years ago
That's some serious money, even if it is something you really enjoy doing. And I'm sure that being mainland, that puts a lot of limitations on you.
11 years ago
I've heard Ceejay talk about homestead sims that cost significantly less to rent. If you had a group of builder friends go in on one together, I wonder if that might be an option?
Nethound says
11 years ago
Not really. THey cost $125, but only support 1/4 the prims. So while I might get more space, I would end up with fewer prims to work with, which is one of my main limitations right now.
11 years ago
Isn't InWorldz triple-prim
11 years ago
nethound: I did not know about that limitation. If you decide to try InWorldz, maybe you can drag a few of us over there with you, at least to visit.
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