Nethound says
11 years ago
This writing business would be so much easier if my characters WOULD JUST DO WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE TOLD......
latest #7
Nethound says
11 years ago
probably a bit on the boring side though.
RayneDearGames says
11 years ago
No, and you cannot make me! <--- characters
Nethound says
11 years ago
No plot survives first contact with the characters...
11 years ago
Ceejay says her characters always do this to her as well. Seems to be an unavoidable aspect of writing.
Nethound says
11 years ago
Ultimately I think it makes for more interesting stories, but it can be a pain when I have to start making major changes to accommodate a new direction
11 years ago
I need to try my hand at writing something with characters and a plot. Most bits I've written are conceptual, humorous things that more focused on being witty or wacky.
11 years ago
I don't think I'll full understand this concept of characters driving or warping the plot until I do.
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