there are three different kinds of mesh breasts out there...mused, lolas and lush.... a lot of people think lush are the best for smaller looks...I have lolas so wouldn't know...i'd say demo
the lola tangos do not have a demo and they are expensive. The Lush do have a demo and are better if yo want to go smaller. more and mroe skin designers are making appliers for both
there is another brand called Puffy that Jammy really likes and they have a nice natural shape. For me I find the Tangos too pointy and at certain angles a bit unnaturally shaped
I personally have the Lush ones and love them and the good thing is the Tango clothing appliers work on them...though you do need a Lush skin applier from your skin store
I personally also find that the Tangos do not size down very well beyond a certain point. You end up looking like you have two very fake chicken cutlets strapped to your chest