it's times like these were i kind of just
sit and cry and be lonely because i try really hard to be nice
to be friends with people and try to be likable
then people tell me to just be myself
and so i do that and suddenly i'm alone again like...
i know im...not a great person, i dont have many talents, im bad at talking, im not the most stunning looks-wise or personality-wise
but idk im just. questioning my self importance again i guess
i hate opening up to people i'm so scared to
but i want friends. someone told me i should try to "make more friends" since i dont have many ppl i talk to anymore but
who would even be interested in befriending me i am literally the most dull loser ever
but after awhile of people realizing im not as cool as they thought i kind of give up a lot
so here i am, sitting on my lazy butt whining and rolling in self pity
i started crying again and my dog is licking my hand and he looks concerned thank goodness for dogs
Focus on your strong points, the things you're proud of -- try to zero in on those
Don't TRY to make friends. Be as positive and friendly as you can be -- to yourself, too - and people are drawn to that
it's hard to join someone in a space when that space is already full of the other person's negativity
Don't be someone else, don't force yourself -- just try to focus on the parts of yourself that you're proud of. You're still being YOU, and it's a much more inviting person to befriend
You're a talented cook -- maybe start blogging about your recipes! Make a pie based on Yosuke!
Use your talents -- everyone has them
I'll be blunt; when someone approaches someone and all you can see is negativity
I'm not this, I'm not that, I'm no the other thing... it creates a sense of guilt
And sometimes that produces friendships, but they're paperthin friendships because they're born of that guilt
I used to be in the same situation, but then I stopped focusing on what I don't have, and started focusing on what I do
You just have to find what makes you interesting! Everyone has a thing. And you're young still. You'll find it.
i do have a lot to learn, i know that much. thanks for the advice c:
i hope I didn't come off as brash. I've just been in this exact same place :c <3
no!! you didn't dont worry. i needed someone to talk some sense into me either way. but i really do appreciate it.