11 years ago
sent Ludwig an e-mail with kittens in it, mostly because he was bored at work.
latest #44
11 years ago
heard the ping of his e-mail and pivots his seat around to check it. When he opens the message his brows knit together as he stares at the numerous pictures of kittens. He seems puzzled by the e-mail but
11 years ago
replies with pictures of puppies and a message that read: Busy at work I see.
11 years ago
chuckled to himself when he saw the reply e-mail and he sent one back saying: Killing time while people find me more work to do.
11 years ago
had been filing some paperwork when he hears a second ping. He wheels back his cheer to his desk and opens the e-mail. He shots out another message: If work is what you want. I have plenty to give, if you're
11 years ago
that desperate for something to do.
11 years ago
had actually been handed a file when he was waiting for a reply and when he heard the chime he went back to his computer, typing out another e-mail to the German: I wouldn't want to take your fun away from you.
11 years ago
had had to leave his office for a bit to deal with a situation and when he gets back he notices the message. He makes his way to his computer and leans over it reading the message. He can`t help but snort and
11 years ago
quickly replies back: How kind of you. In that case I will get back to my fun.
11 years ago
had been brought a pile of papers anyway to deal with and when he got the reply he laughed a bit and sent back: Oh good, enjoy it then.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at the reply before typing back: Good luck with yours when you receive it. If you have any more free time after work would
11 years ago
you be interested in a drink?
11 years ago
smirked, the question made him pause to think before he quickly sent back a reply: I'd be up for a drink if you're buying. I'll treat to sweets afterwards.
11 years ago
had been finishing up some documents when he receives the e-mail. He shakes his head at the reply: Ja, fine, that works for me. He also inserts the address of the bar they'd meet at : Try not to be too late.
11 years ago
chuckled at that and continued to work through his paperwork. The hours went by quickly and before he realized it was almost time to be meeting up with Germany.
11 years ago
had left work and made a bee line towards the bar he had made the rendez vous with Sadik. He enters finding a booth near the back and ordering a drink as he waits. He didn't have high hopes tha tthe other would
11 years ago
come on time.
11 years ago
got held up in the office, but he was only ten minutes late. It didn't take him long to spot the German in the bar and he headed for the booth dropping a small brief case
11 years ago
on the bench before he slid in to take a seat himself.
11 years ago
glances up at him and quickly orders him a beer by signalling to the waiter. "You made it. Busy?"
11 years ago
thanked him for ordering the drink for him as he relaxed into the seat. "As was leaving they decided to give me work to do."
11 years ago
knows the feeling. "That's unfortunate." He says as he passes the beer over to him when it is placed on their table. "I see you got it done fairly quickly though. That's impressive."
11 years ago
laughed at that as he took a grateful swig of beer. "No what's impressive is that you made it out of your office long enough for this."
11 years ago
's lip curves out. "I do know how to leave my office as strange as that sounds." He says as he takes a good drink of his beer.
11 years ago
smirks into his beer stein, "It does sound awfully strange."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at that. "Take advantage of the moment then, it might not happen again, any time soon."
11 years ago
set his glass down and grinned, "well then I'll make sure to take full advantage of it."
11 years ago
hums as he continues to drink his beer. "How are you dealing with the...rallies?" He asks curiously.
11 years ago
frowns at that and shrugs as he leaned back. "Headaches... I don't even know right now."
11 years ago
looks a little worried but nods, deciding to drop the subject. "Perhaps drinking was not the best idea in that case." He smiles lightly.
11 years ago
shrugs and smiles at him, "drinking might be a good thing."
11 years ago
doesn‘t argue that. ‘Then you‘ve come to the right place.‘ He lifts his hand and orders more.
11 years ago
thanks him for that and finishes off his first drink. "So what have you been up to?"
11 years ago
takes a hold of his second beer. ‘Lots abd lots of work. Very boring.‘
11 years ago
held back a snicker at that as he picked up his second beer. "Oh that's hardly surprising. I bet your as up tight ever then."
Ludwig gives
11 years ago
him a tight lipped look. ‘Ja, uptight.‘
11 years ago
smiles at that and leans over to poke him in the cheek. "I can change that."
11 years ago
flushes at the action abd comment. ‘We‘ll see.‘
11 years ago
laughs a bit at the flush and goes back to sipping his drink now.
Ludwig needs
11 years ago
to work on not getting so flustered so easily. He does go back to drinking as well, fine with the silence at the moment.
11 years ago
sips his drink and hums a bit as he watched him over his glass.
11 years ago
glances up at him with a quirked pensive gaze. "Besides the protesters are you at least relaxing?"
11 years ago
shrugs and smiles at him, "trying to."
11 years ago
nods, that was good at least. It made one of them. "Good to hear."
11 years ago
took another long sip of his beer and leaned back. "Trying to though is very different from actually getting to. How about you?"
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