11 years ago
> Ask someone not to spoil anything from the season they just watched, tell them we're on season 5.
> They promptly spoil the main monster's design, and then try to enforce headcanons about it.
> and fuck you.
latest #7
11 years ago
//Rude//! They're friggin' lucky we knew the monster already because that's a big thing okay. The monster is FINALLY introduced via shock-scene? So knowing what it looks like kills the suspense. :I
11 years ago
Nah, it's for Supernatural. They were pestering the shit out of me in PM. :I
11 years ago
They kept ignoring me when I said I wasn't really the type to plan roleplay, and tried to enforce their character/critter lore on mine? Like, they'd change the topic, then beg for RP again anyways. So no loss.
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