So it's been brought to my attention I've been a pretty shit RP partner to ... most of the people I RP with. I'm sorry I've been jumping around like crazy lately and starting all these new things. I'm not sure
What's been going on with me or in my head and I can see now what I've been doing and why people might be upset with me so since I don't know specifically who I've been a jerk to, this is a blanket apology
I've been a douchebag and I have been having shiny syndrome. I think I got a little carried away with muses and I wasn't sure how or where to stop. Not to mention just bad rp ettiquette in general.
So first of all apologies to samame and pocketspy but I dropped Merlin. I should have forever ago. I keep avoiding doing his tags and I think his muse has just sort of died on me.
I'm going to try to figure out where I went wrong and straighten this out but for a while I am going to put most of my focus into Dean, Jefferson, and Bucky and try to figure out where I still am with
Bae, Daniel, Theon, Grantaire and Howard. (and my OCs but they're not exactly anything anyone else would play and have pretty minor cr development right now.)