wow well i'm just gonna complain about exo here bc i don't want to ruin the fun party on twitter
latest #18
it's almost like sm is trying to take everyone for a fool with this lazy fucking shit
i am literally offended that i am being force fed this garbage and as a fan being expected to support it and to take it seriously
and people bragging that exo is A Big Deal and they can get a million views on a teaser in like 2 seconds and whatever whoc ares?
who cares when the quality of the material is so terrible
and that is by no means exo's fault, what happens to them will never actually be their fault and that's the sad fact
and as petty and terrible as it is for me yeha it does sting that to watch vixx work their hearts out and get nothing while a group like exo
everything handed to them despite doing nothing
i mean this is genuinely fucking terrible
i'm not going to blindly support everything they do
i'm not going to buy this album
and it's like a whirlwind of emotions bc i'm so excited to see luhan existing and doing things and being happy, but at what cost..
okay yeah that's it this is a dumb thing to be disgruntled about
ye...ah i was like "um ok"
but i dont...know a lot about boy
lmao i feel you like 1000% on all this
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