Mary stop that
11 years ago
yessss the chef finally took the dish that I positively despise making off the menu
latest #62
Mary stop that
11 years ago
life just became that little bit easier
also what is it you do exactly?
Mary stop that
11 years ago
well you might not believe me but I'm a sous chef
Mary stop that
11 years ago
Mary stop that
11 years ago
also hiii
I wonder if that reflects in RP at all B|a
Mary stop that
11 years ago
I do!
Mary stop that
11 years ago
I jumped about from job to job after studying a bit of art and philosophy, but nothing made me happier than cooking for my mates
Mary stop that
11 years ago
so they told me to go on a course they heard about, six months later I finished and the lead tutor asked me if I wanted a job
Mary stop that
11 years ago
introduced me to his friends and high ho I'm a cook, worked my way up to sous!
Mary stop that
11 years ago
happy as larry
happy as larry... I've never heard that expression but it's wonderful
huzzah for finding a job you love! \o/
Mary stop that
11 years ago
oh dear, sorry I never know what sayings are UK based or not
Mary stop that
11 years ago
and yes it's something of a wonder isn't it
Mary stop that
11 years ago
Mary stop that
11 years ago
but it does wear you out, run off my feet today
Mary stop that
11 years ago
fortunately it should be easier from thursday
and that's fine. I love expressions of all kinds
Mary stop that
11 years ago
do you intend to be a head chef one day?
Mary stop that
11 years ago
gosh, maybe, but no time soon I don't have the experience
Mary stop that
11 years ago
I'd like to travel a bit more first too
you know Virginia is really nice this ime of year -COFF HACK-
Mary stop that
11 years ago
France, deffo, I've been sprusing up on my French, but anywhere and everywhere really
Mary stop that
11 years ago
XD o i c
Mary stop that
11 years ago
well who knows! maybe
I've never been to Europe sadly
I've been in Asia mostly
you should definitley travel
Mary stop that
11 years ago
I should and I intend to! as many regions as I can
Mary stop that
11 years ago
certainly I'll let you know if I wind up hopping about the globe
I want to do that too one day
11 years ago
I would try to convince you to come to Arkansas but there is nothing to do in Arkansas but go to national parks and fend off mosquitos the size of bears.
11 years ago
Sam is a cutie.
Pumpqueen Fall
11 years ago
Pumpqueen Fall
11 years ago
And also I agree on the Sam is a cutie thing /nod
Mary stop that
11 years ago
what where did this verdict come from
Mary stop that
11 years ago
not that I oppose I just
Mary stop that
11 years ago
went to get cereal
11 years ago
Sam you have always been cute don't act surprised
Pumpqueen Fall
11 years ago
Mary stop that
11 years ago
o well then
Barbara Yaga
11 years ago
I'm curious as to what the terrible dish was.
Barbara Yaga
11 years ago
And pleased that you no longer have to deal with it. :-Db
Barbara Yaga
11 years ago
(Come to California.)
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