joan watson
11 years ago
Maaaaaassive plurk cut just happened. If you can see this, I love you guys, and generally assume that you still like me, too.
latest #12
11 years ago
joan watson
11 years ago
I feel kind of bad for doing it.
joan watson
11 years ago
But I just kept staring at my timeline going "unfriend me already" at most of them.
joan watson
11 years ago
Not really a happy situation.
joan watson
11 years ago
But now I can speak freely again! Yay!
11 years ago
!! (cozy) nice to see you backkk
♦ DWDB-221E ♦
11 years ago
♦ DWDB-221E ♦
11 years ago
...I didn't even realize until after I posted that we used the same emote, Degen
it's because we're actually the same person
lotus 龙 wife
11 years ago
hello /plushfrog waves hello
joan watson
11 years ago
Degen: yaysunshine: And that is why I had to keep you both. 0u0
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