Rose Farina
11 years ago
Could some explain what appliers are for that girl that was gone a year and a half?
latest #9
they apply a skin/clothing shade/texture made by your preferred skin/clothing designer on mesh body parts so you don't have to tint.
If you wear prim boobs you will need one for the shirt area of your best and a skin one possibly, for mesh feet and hands a skin applier. Many stores are selling them now as so many wear mesh body parts now.
Rose Farina
11 years ago
and how are mesh body parts? lol
I love my mesh hands, I refuse to go without them ever again
if I have to go barefoot, my mesh feet all the way! Plus SLink updated her hands and feet so I that it's not just skin appliers that work with them, but you can get stocking and sock appliers!
and manicures and pedicures!
and has kits for people who make shoes so they can make them without prim feet, for the shoes to be worn over slink bare feet. so I always have lovely ankles.
I haven't tried the lolas yet, but I really don't feel they work into my style currently. I've thought about it, but I don't want another thing to adjust. I sometimes wear a mesh head, LOGO made some
Rose Farina
11 years ago
Thank you so much Whimsy! Appreciate all the info!
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