[the games] Tagging around the crowning right now(anybody want any of mine?), saving the arena for last because ahhh, what do I dress up Alpha as? I can't decide!
Diana's Xena, I'm sorry, I can't resist.
I'm tempted by Alpha as a prince, considering his death by dragon last time and his conversation with Cindy, but that might be a little too similiar to his outfit in the last arena.
That would be kind of amazing. He'd be running around the Arena in a hawaiian shirt brandishing pink throwing stars.
even Howard would be like
I don't even know, but at least I can move in it.
Enj would hang out with Valeria.
Although this makes me wish we had a Wash who could be dressed as Amelia Earhart.
At the crowning? Sweet, I'll tag her to him then.
She's gonna try and shake some self-preservation into Enjolras next time she sees him, by the way. Because seriously.
I need to get her talking with Marius in some sort of way that results in her lecturing him.
And then she will be 100 percent done with all of the les mis people.
Okay, no, I think I'm wiped creativity wise. Arena and execution tags will have to wait till tomorrow, but I've got one tag each on the crowning, so I'm calling today a win.
Also all the other tags I got out today, those too.
You go, gurl
Oh, wait Lisa! I was thinking of tagging Diana to Eva's network post, if you don't mind since I know you've got a lot of Eva stuff on your plate right now?
I already tagged Val, admittedly, because she's kinda freaking out about everything.
Go for it! With the Arena started Eva threads are calming down
Also beautiful new CR
Yaaay! Diana's all disappointed in Eva now. Somehow. Despite having never met her before.
Okay, last tag of the day! Now I'm removing myself from the internet so Neighbor Joe doesn't get suspicious.