lauramag wants
11 years ago
To play with my grandson, walk the dogs , read a book , do my garden, watch TV, look out the window, any thing but KNIT :-( I have lost my mojo WHY :-(
latest #6
Bernadette says
11 years ago
justclaire says
11 years ago
it happens from time to time and it will come back. I promise (cozy)
SloKnitR says
11 years ago
lauramag: what just Claire said (cozy)
MaryBeth143 says
11 years ago
do all the things you want and just let it come back on its own. sometimes I enjoy doing what the muggles do with their spare time :-D
11 years ago
(cozy) It happens to most of us sometime or another. It will come back!
busymom26 says
11 years ago
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