Specifically, I was wondering if people wanted a PREPPING FOR VISITS post the day before so they can do like gathering food and cooking or getting presents from gods to send back with visitors.
I say no as a player just cuz I know some moontimers wanted to play and that only gives them so long to play until their week hits.
:|a We could also extend Visits ICly to a couple days (which will end up like a week or so OOCly)
Seconding ikki :U I think they should be surprise visits also...
Having prep kind of ruins the fact that it really hasn't been that long since they left
I was looking forward to "you're back already?!"
:|a OK, I'll start writing something up then while I wait for a few more people to weigh in.
natsume uses words better than me +`
I'm not in the game right now but I vote for extending visits a bit since I just got in at Aather so I am distracted for the weekend...
i am okay with extending!!
We should do a perepped one a few months down the line
The post will probably go up in about an hour/hour and thirty!
Extended would be great, this weekend's really busy for me and I wanna Alma at frans (though QUESTION!)
I know good enders had to spend Some Time with I can never spell his name. the good end god. Do good enders still in that state get to come back or is it only 'graduated' ones? When people ask what we've
been up to what is right to answer? <3
:|a hmmm, I would say for your batch of good-enders they've finished with their "training" stuff and have probably been hanging out in the good-end area for maybe 5 or 6 days
So you've probably been scoping out a place to settle and basically camping out. There's a cleared and safe area by the portal on that end (it's a cave in a cliff-side facing the ocean)
and if they haven't wandered off to camp in the woods then they can use that place as their base.
oh is that happening, cool
but yeah, my weekend is RIGHT NOW so sooner is certainly better
o7! The Good-End Visits post is up!