[LoL] Maaaannn. That last game was INTENSE.
latest #14
We lost, because one bad apple in the team, but man. That was probably one of the best matches I've had? And considering, that was my second time using Lux... Yeah.
AND THE TEAM WAS USING LUX TOO. So we had Final Sparks flying all over the place, IT WAS GREAT.
Apparently the Lux and I are friends now?? WHICH IS FINE. /o/ MORE LEAGUE FRIENDS FOR ME.
It was a bit of a mindfuck for my team and the other team tho, because we didn't know what Final Spark to dodge
Well. I knew, but the others didn't.
So when we were in that clusterfuck of a team battle, there were two final sparks and everyone in the chat was just like asdjasldkj WHICH ONE ARE WE SUPPOSE TO DODGE
so me and the Lux were the only ones standing and we did stalemate and killed eachother with Q.
It was great. XD
We broke the sound barrier with our laughter on skype.
Man, these matches are great.
That Lux was a sweet heart though <3
They messaged me later and they were like "THAT WAS GREAT" AND ASJKLDASLDJk it was really, really great.
this is the reason why I pvp so much.
If you don't get competitive assholes, a match, for both teams, is utterly hilarious.
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