11 years ago
...I assume all my plurk friends are over 5'2" because it seems like almost everyone I know or admire from afar is taller than me. But no really I like knowing people's heights uwu
latest #13
Heart Attack 💘
11 years ago
wrong I'm 5'1
11 years ago
Barely, I'm 5'3
Heart Attack 💘
11 years ago
Now Kyt, I WAS picturing as taller (LOL) Well you're in good company with us shorties
11 years ago
Oh no way, I'm short and round. XD
11 years ago
This feels as strange as when I first actually comprehended that I'm the only Emily in my school's drama club. But it's a good kind of strange feeling
Heart Attack 💘
11 years ago
aren't we all.
11 years ago
The best part of living in Japan was being of above average height
11 years ago
Felt good, man
Heart Attack 💘
11 years ago
Hm... if most everyone in Japan is short, do they put shelves in easy to reach places? that alone would be reason to move for me :')
Heart Attack 💘
11 years ago
fuck kitchens
11 years ago
I feel your pain. Greg actually got me a step stool to reach into cupboards
11 years ago
5' 4" OTL
11 years ago
I'm actually sorta close to 5'2''
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