Between Bites shares
11 years ago
latest #8
Tito Pete
11 years ago
I'm on a diet. If I click that link, how sad will it make me? :-(
Tito Pete
11 years ago
*I'm...I'm so hungry.*
Between Bites says
11 years ago
adammordo: (LOL) aaaw.....
Between Bites says
11 years ago
adammordo: aaw hope it doesnt make you too sad. what kind of diet are you in? :-)
Tito Pete
11 years ago
Nothing too drastic. Low carb, low sugar, small portions. :-(
Tito Pete
11 years ago
I've also been swimming and doing HIIT. The goal is to be fit enough to train for Muay Thai again. Ideal weight is a lean 185lbs. 25lbs to go!
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