11 years ago
Why is it when you're told you need to be up at a certain time you have the worst time trying to get to sleep?
latest #19
11 years ago
Just feeling angry and mad and nostalgic today.
11 years ago
Also I have to go out and buy a new refrigerator tomo.. today.
11 years ago
We've talked to my landlord back in january about it, and it's giving out again.
11 years ago
At first we just thought that it was because it's been hot, but today we did out grocery shopping and it turns out it's not even able to handle freezing all the meat we packaged up.
11 years ago
So we'll have to rent to own one and ask our landlord to come remove the broken one.
11 years ago
Buying it ourselves if just a lot easier though, especially after the fight the landlord gave us when it was acting up the first time.
11 years ago
It's more out of my pocket, which sucks when you're just barely scraping by, but if/when we do move out of here, we can take it with us or sell it.
11 years ago
We just don't have time to waste with him fussing over it and trying every little thing he can to get out of replacing it is all.
11 years ago
When it all comes down to it, I'm no-nonsense and like to get something done and over with. Especially unpleasant things like spending more money then I want to.
11 years ago
There are other things on my mind, more personal.
11 years ago
Ugh. Just called my landlord about the fridge.
11 years ago
We couldn't afford the monthly payment for one from someplace like Aaron's so I didn't have a choice.
11 years ago
"Why didn't you call me sooner?" he asked.
11 years ago
I couldn't just tell him that I spent all night worry about calling him and that even calling him filled me with so much anxiety that I started gagging.
11 years ago
Even now my heart is racing and I feel ill. It's been over a half hour now since I got off the phone with him.
11 years ago
Anyways, he's out of town but said he'll arrange for his provider to deliver one Monday evening.
11 years ago
He KNEW this was coming, it's not like it's the first time we've contacted him about it, but it's never been this bad.
11 years ago
I don't understand why he acted like this was coming out of nowhere.
11 years ago
Now to spend the next three days quietly wigging out over the dread of people I don't really know being in my living space.
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