I have cooked and put into containers 5 cups of rice, balsamic vinegar glazed chick peas and spicy mustard chick peas
latest #13
that is part of next week's dinners prepped
hubby has lost 10 lbs on this (plus we do the 5:2 fasting)
What's that? I'm going to try and cut down on my carbs.
you eat whatever you want for 5 days and have 500 calories for 2 days - we fast on Mondays and Thursdays
we find it easier to just not eat until dinner - I can make a very filling dinner for 500 to 600 calories
the fasting is actually 1/4 of what you eat on feast days so I get a bit less than 500 calories
This forum is great with suggestions, science and support
Thanks for the link!
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