11 years ago
took a walk to the hardware store.
latest #77
Søren was
11 years ago
searching in the store, trying to find the part that Astrid wanted... He knew what to get, but it didn't seem to be here.
11 years ago
saw the other, glaring a little. Why was the other there? He knew that the Dane wasn't one for most carpentry esque objects...
11 years ago
finally managed to find the tool he needed and smiled, taking it and whistling as he headed to the cash. He was completely oblivious to the other being around.
11 years ago
"Don' get that one.." He said as the other passed him.
11 years ago
stopped instantly in his tracks. He recognised that voice. He slowly looked over to the Swede, a clear confused look on his face.
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow quietly. "What? Why are y' starin?"
11 years ago
gasped and dropped the tool he had before hugging the other with all his might. "Bror!"
11 years ago
made a sound and just stared at the other. "Um... Dan what are y' een doin?"
11 years ago
nuzzled into the others neck, for once ignoring the height difference. "Fanden, where have ye been this whole time? I've not seen ye in like, years." He really had missed his bror.
11 years ago
just kind of let his basket drop, patting the otherd back a little bit. "'Ve jus' been gone.. Why does it matter?" He raised an eyebrow still. "Why are y' in a hardware store? Y' don' build things."
11 years ago
hums. "I missed ye. That's why it matters." He finally let go of the other and smiled. "I do build things. But just when I wanna. M'gettin' stuff for Astrid."
11 years ago
pushed the other away. "Y'er datin a human? Dan y' know that never works." He was kind of worried for the other.
11 years ago
blinks and shakes his head. "Nej, she's not a.." He smirked a bit, putting an arm around his shoulders. "Come, we've got lots to talk 'bout."
11 years ago
stared from his arm to the tool isle. "I.." He still had more things to buy, but he shook his head. "Fine."
11 years ago
smiled and walked with him, almost taking him out of the store before noticing he had stuff to buy. "A lot has changed since ye left..."
11 years ago
just pulled the other to the checkout, paying for his things. "Hm." He mumbled in acknowledgement. "Like how?" He asked after they were away from the checkout.
11 years ago
started walking towards a bar. "We'll get seated then I'll explain it all."
11 years ago
sighed and walked with him to the bar of his choice. "Fine."
11 years ago
walked into the bar and went to a booth, ordering himself a beer as he passed the counter.
11 years ago
ordered a beer for himself as well before sitting down. He put his bag on the seat beside him. "So what's changed?"
11 years ago
leaned on the table, looking him in the eye. "Ye're here."
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "Great? What else 's different?"
11 years ago
hums. "Not too much else." He leaned back as he got his beer and took a sip. "Ye're not the only Sweden anymore, though."
11 years ago
stared quietly. "Uh? Nej... 'm the only Sweden. Dan y'er bein odd."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Nej. S'true. There's another of ye. There's another of all of us."
11 years ago
frowned at him. "I don' b'lieve y', Dan."
11 years ago
smiles at that. "Even I have a second. It's kinda funny, actually.. and kinda fun."
11 years ago
"Why 's it kind 'f fun? How do y' know that they 'ren't lyin?" He took a small drink of his beer.
11 years ago
shrugs. "It's fun 'cause we don't get all the burden now. If we're down, an the country is sufferin', they take some of the trouble. It's a lot less stress on us... and they're not lyin'. I've seen mine pretty
11 years ago
much die a few times and she still comes back."
11 years ago
gave him a doubting look. "Why 's there two thou.. did y' say 'she'?" He raised an eyebrow.
11 years ago
blinks before laughing and drinking more. "Ah, ja. They're the opposite gender. So ye know, a female Denmark, female Sweden, male Belarus... though, not everyone has met their other. Or are even here."
11 years ago
nodded a little, looking at his beer. "Hm.. Maybe.." He shook his head.
11 years ago
finished off his beer and hummed. "Ye should visit the female Sweden some time... I could even bring ye to her."
11 years ago
shrugged drinking his beer. "If she 's me, I'd want t' see this. Where does she live?"
11 years ago
hums. "With me." He smirked as he ordered another beer and drank it as it was put in front of him.
11 years ago
dropped his glass and stared at the other in shock. "Livin with.. y'?" He growled angrily at that. "She should be livin in Sweden."
11 years ago
smirks. "Weeeeellllll~ She's not. She's livin' with me. Can ye blame her, though? I rock."
11 years ago
shook his head. "Nej. Y' don'. Why would y' even want a Swede livin with y'?"
11 years ago
shrugged. "I missed ye. So I guess by havin' her around it filled the void. Besides, I've got other reasons."
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "Mhmm. I don' b'lieve y' though. Why would y' put up with the female version 'f me?"
11 years ago
hums. "Ye'll find out when ye meet her..."
11 years ago
"Mhmm.. When are we goin' t' see her?" He was curious but kind of bothered.
11 years ago
shrugs. "Whenever ye want. She's at home makin' somethin'. That's why I'm out. If it wasn't for that I'd never leave her side."
11 years ago
"Why 's that?" He looked at the table. "Let's go. I want t' see this."
11 years ago
hummed and finished his beer, getting up to pay the tab before heading out. "Ye still know where I live?"
11 years ago
rolled his eyes nodding. "Ja, y've been there for so long, how would I forget?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "Just makin' sure" He hummed quietly and walked towards his house, eager to introduce him to Astrid.
11 years ago
walked with him toward his house, he was curious about this girl.
11 years ago
walked quietly, wanting to get home. When he saw the house he almost ran to it. "Come on, Sve~"
11 years ago
nods a bit, he picked up his pace to keep up with the Dane. "'M comin."
11 years ago
walked inside and headed to the little workshop that Astrid had. He was more excited than he should have been, and saw no backfires from this.
11 years ago
didn't really know what to expect. "What's her name?"
11 years ago
hums at that. "Her name is Astrid.. or Swede." He pretty much gave her the same nickname as he gave Sve.
11 years ago
"Mhmm.." He fowned a little bit looking at the work shed, he didn't know if he wanted to continue and meet her or not..
11 years ago
smiled and grabbed his hand. "Come on~" He brought him to the shed and peeked his head in quietly. "Astrid?"
11 years ago
turned around, smiling a little. "That was fast. Did y' get the part I was..." She trailed off and stopped talking, looking from Søren to Berwald. "Um...?"
11 years ago
unwillingly followed, he stood back a little bit, staying quiet when he heard her start talking.
11 years ago
smiled. "This is Sve... or Berwald... my bror~" He was beyond excited, and was bouncing a bit because of it.
11 years ago
nodded a little bit. "Ah.. 'M Astrid.. The.. other.. Sweden.." She looked away, feeling a little awkward.
11 years ago
nods to her back. "'S nice t' meet y'." He was a little confused still.
11 years ago
smiled more. "We should all do somethin'... just to get to know each other more! Even though I guess ye two know pretty much about each other..."
11 years ago
nods a little bit. "Ah.. ja.. sure." She walked over to the Dane and took his hand feeling more than a little awkward.
11 years ago
stared at the Dane and the other Swede and their hands. His eyes widened a little. "Are y' t'gether?"
11 years ago
nodded at that, a little proudly in fact. "Kinda ironic, isn't it? But she's a lot better than ye, so that's okay."
11 years ago
"Søren!" She hissed a little. "Don' be rude." She blushed though, looking down.
11 years ago
glared at him slightly. "Shut up, Dan." He said a little coldly.
11 years ago
smirks and tilted his head. "Oh come on, Sve. M'just jokin'. Ye have no sense of humour."
11 years ago
crossed his arms. "Ja ja, bror, whatever y' say." He sighed and turned to head toward the house.
11 years ago
hit Søren's chest lightly. "Be nice.." She said quietly.
11 years ago
chuckles. "He knows I'm just playin'... Ye gonna come with us or work here a bit longer?"
11 years ago
"I'll come with y' if y' want me t'." She shrugged to herself and swung his hand a little bit.
11 years ago
smiles and pulled her along. "I think he's got a lot to adjust to... so it might be good too if ye even talk to him, alone."
11 years ago
sighed quietly, she didn't know if that conversation would be anything less than awkward. "Ja... I could um... try.."
11 years ago
brought her back to the house. "I can even cook dinner for us all... it'l be like old times~"
11 years ago
walked with him, nodding. "Ja.. I guess..." She looked at her feet as they walked.
11 years ago
walked back into the house, going to find the male Swede as well as getting himself a beer. He wanted to see how well these two interacted.
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