SolidSmack (Rock it!) asks
16 years ago
regular or flavored coffee? time for a pick me up and a snack.
latest #7
cchris says
16 years ago
Not much of a coffee fan, I drink a monster a day
Mel loves
16 years ago
flavored coffee! Mocha!
SolidSmack (Rock it!) says
16 years ago
I'm having some organic coffee right now, with a Larabar. yum.
SusanCinadr says
16 years ago
flavored, specifically vanilla. BTW - sugar free flavor is horrible!
burhop feels
16 years ago
like coffee..... always!
RichHale says
16 years ago
Just drink un-adultered, REAL coffee from somewhere other than STARBUCKS!!! (Sorry I'll stop ranting soon... maybe!) (woot)
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