11 years ago
[風]請一人一句話介紹我/ 從噗浪上講話會覺得我是個怎樣的人??
latest #10
香香軟軟 化妝&英文很强的姐姐
11 years ago
噗浪上的話是嬌俏迷小的小蘿莉哦////////見到以後, 是個很直爽有主見有胸脯有胸(夠了)...總之就比較女人啊, 聲音也比想像中沉
11 years ago
lostmusic_ManAKuN: 香香軟軟wwwww 感覺馬納醬要把人吃掉www (blush) (歐
Natillia: 可以吃嗎 (拖
11 years ago
Noirsun: 其實人家一點也不蘿莉 XDD 對不起騙了你wwww 被說有主見好開心wwww 人家是家裏最沒有主見的那個了(yay)
11 years ago
lostmusic_ManAKuN: 你想呢ww
11 years ago
a friendly person who is independent and is good at making dessert www
11 years ago
black_wolf_7: lol www my dessert tastes like crap www I'm glad you think I'm independent (yay) no one ever thinks I'm independent QvQQQ
11 years ago
Natillia: oh well you're living abroad without seeing your family for a whole damn year, seriously www and i don't believe that your dessert taste like crap before i taste it www
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